Nu president Eisenhower is afgetreden, wil len wij gaarne zijn laatste gelukwens ter gelegenheid van de internationale Raiffei- sendag laten zien. Het zijn in Amerika de „Credit Unions", die de raiffeisengedachte via Canada hebben overgenomen en die evenals wij op de derde donderdag in okto ber hun internationale Raiffeisendag (of „Credit Union Day") herdenken. Hieronder dan de brief van president Eisenhower met de vertaling. HET WITTE HUIS Washington 20 oktober 1960 De Internationale Credit Union Day De viering van de Internationale Credit Union Day vraagt de aandacht voor het werk van de credit union- beweging, dat de persoonlijke onafhankelijkheid wil RAIFFEISENDAG IN AMERIKA October 20, 1960 INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION DAY The observance of International Credit Union Day calls attention to the work of the credit union movement in encouraging personal independence through self-diBcipline and wise management of resources. The credit union idea -- with its inherent philosophy of individual initiative and economie democracy -- has gained wide acceptance in the United States. In many other countries, too, it is helping to bring people together in a spirit of mutual cooperation. By training people in the habits of thrift and financial responsibility, credit unions help strengthen qualities which provide a basis for the progress of both men and nations. 16

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'De Raiffeisen-bode' (CCRB) | 1961 | | pagina 18