About this
Management Report Appendices Governance
Consolidated Financial Company Financial
Statements Statements
are approved by Rabobank Group) or received from external
parties. The coordinator of the respective Group division/ local
Rabobank is responsible for collecting and reporting the non-
financial information. Finance Control and the Sustainability
department perform plausibility checks after submission, where
after appropriate actions are taken in order to optimize the data
The data concerning Rabobank's internal business operations is
mostly based on Rabobank's automated central management
information system and on invoices from our providers. Reliable
sources and established protocols are used for conversion
factors. The climate footprint is calculated according to the most
recent directives of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). The
associated C02 conversion factors originate from, among others,
DEFRA and the IEA.
Most data is gathered on a regular basis in the central
management information system. Some information is gathered
only once a year as part of the annual reporting process.
Preparation of the Annual Report
The production processof Rabobank's Annual Report and Interim
Report is as follows: the Managing Board appoints an Annual
Report Steering Group, which appoints an Annual Report Working
Group. The following disciplines are represented in both the
Steering Group and the Working Group: Managing Board
Secretariat, Finance Control, FIR, Investor Relations Rating
Agencies, Sustainability, Integrated Risk Management, Audit, and
Communications and Corporate Affairs. The Annual Report
Steering Group agrees on the different tasks, roles and
responsibilities relating to the production of the Annual Report
and Interim Report. Before any work commences on gathering
information and writing the Annual Report, the chair of the
Annual Report Steering Group and the Managing Board decided
on the report's structure and key messages. The Working Group
transforms these guidelines into drafts, which are subsequently
reviewed by a committee of members from the Working Group,
the Steering Group and other key employees. The draft texts of
the Annual and Interim reports are discussed twice in the
respective meetings of the Managing Board, the Supervisory
Board and the Audit Committee.
We believe that the reliability of the information included in this
report is crucial for us and for our stakeholders. For that reason,
assurance is provided for the Rabobank Annual Report 2018 by
PwC (the texts on our external website are outside of the scope
of assurance). For more information on PwC assurance, we refer
to the Independent Auditor's Report.
Annual Report 2018 - Appendices