24. Financial Liabilities Designated at Fair Value 25. Other Liabilities About this Report Chairman's Foreword Corporate Management Report Appendices Governance Consolidated Financial Company Financial Statements Statements Amounts in millions of euros 2018 2017 Debt securities issued 5,906 9,803 Deposits 708 3,989 Total financial liabilities designated at fair value 6,614 13,792 The decrease in the carrying amount of the financial liabilities designated at fair value is caused by the reclassification of the callable notes to amortized cost under IFRS 9 where they were measured at fair value under IAS 39. The reclassification encompasses the callable notes only and not for other structured notes included in the structured funding portfolio. The cumulative change in fair value of the financial liabilities designated at fair value attributable to changes in the own credit risk of Rabobank amounts to EUR 41 million before taxes (2017: EUR 833 million). The change in fair value that is attributable to changes in own credit risk is calculated by deducting on a note by note basis the current fair value of the structured notes portfolio at the reporting date from the fair value recalculated based on the prevailing credit curve atthe time of origination, with all other pricing components unchanged. This calculation reflects the amount that can be attributed to the change in the own credit risk of Rabobank since the origination of these structured notes. Transfers of the cumulative gains or losses within equity during the period and the amounts presented in other comprehensive income that are realized at derecognition are disclosed in the Section 31 in the movement schedule of the "Revaluation Reserve - Fair Value Changes Due to Own Ccredit Risk on Financial Liabilities Designated at Fair Value'. The carrying value of the issued structured notes designated at fair value is EUR 318 million (2017: EUR 5,223 million) lowerthan the amount Rabobank is contractually obliged to repay to the holders of the structured notes. The decrease is caused by the reclassification of the callable notes to amortized cost under IFRS 9 when measured at fair value under IAS 39. Amounts in millions of euros Note 2018 2017 Payables 4,241 5,843 Accrued interest 1,894 2,117 Employee benefits 28 254 292 Other (47) 19 Total other liabilities 6,342 8,271 Annual Report 2018 - Consolidated Financial Statements 193

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2018 | | pagina 195