- 52 Structured entities Contents Introduction Management report Appendices Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements changes.The securities are not de-recognised because almost all the associated risks and benefits accrue to Rabobank, including credit and market risks. A liability is recognised at a value equivalent to the amount received as collateral. 51.3 Securitisations As part of the financing activities and liquidity management of Rabobank Group, and in order to reduce credit risk, cash flows from certain financial assets are transferred to third parties (true sale transactions). Most of the financial assets subject to these transactions are mortgages and other loan portfolios that are transferred to a special purpose vehicle that is subsequently consolidated. After securitisation, the assets continue to be recognised in the statement of financial position of Rabobank Group, mainly under'Loans and advances to customers'. The securitised assets are measured in accordance with the accounting policies referred to in section 2.15. The carrying amount of the transferred financial assets related to own-asset securitisation is 76,803 (2016: 77,894) with the corresponding liability amounting to 74,819 (2016: 74,897). Approximately 76% (2016: 74%) of the transferred assets are securitised internally for liquidity purposes.The carrying amount of the assets where Rabobank acts as a sponsor (Nieuw- Amsterdam) is 4,252 (2016: 4,125) with the corresponding liability amounting to 4,252 (2016:4,125). Starting 2017 Rabobank retains 5% of the outstanding commercial paper issued by Nieuw Amsterdam for regulatory purposes. 51.4 Carrying amount of financial assets provided as security for (contingent) liabilities The assets referred to below have been pledged as security for (contingent) liabilities (with exception to repo transactions, securities lending and securitisations) with the objective of providing security for the counterparty. If Rabobank remains in default the counterparties may use the security to settle the debt. in millions of euros 2017 2016 Cash and cash equivalents 43 130 Financial assets held for trading 92 134 Financial assets designated at fair value 126 Loans and advances to banks 3,297 4,704 Loans and advances to customers 13,509 12,759 Available-for-sale financial assets 4,195 7,693 Total 21,262 25,420 52.1 Consolidated structured entities A structured entity is an entity which is structured such that voting rights or comparable rights do not constitute the dominant factor in determining who exercises control over the entity. Rabobank uses structured entities in order to securitise mortgages and other loan portfolios as part of its financing activities, liquidity management and in order to reduce credit risk.The loans are actually transferred to the structured entities. Own-asset securitisation is handled by Obvion (STORM, GREEN STORM and STRONG) and DLL (LEAP Warehouse Trust No.1 and DLL Securitization Trust 2017-A). As well as having provided cash facilities, Rabobank also acts as a swap counterparty for all own-asset securitisations. Rabobank acts as a sponsor in Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corporation. Nieuw Amsterdam issues ABCP in various currencies and provides Rabobank customers access to liquidity through the commercial paper market. Rabobank provides advice and manages the programme, markets ABCP, provides cash facilities and/or credit risk enhancements and other facilities for the underlying transactions and the programme itself. Rabobank consolidates the own-asset securitisation vehicles and Nieuw Amsterdam because it is exposed to or entitled to fluctuating income in respect of its involvement in these entities. In addition, Rabobank also has the option to influence the amount of the investor's income by virtue of having control over the entities. 52.2 Non-consolidated structured entities Non-consolidated structured entities refers to all structured entities over which Rabobank has no control. These interests are comprised mainly of debt securities in a securitisation vehicle, including RMBS, ABS and CDO and private equity interests. The amount of these debt securities is almost always limited when compared to the vehicle's total assets. Those securitisation vehicles are usually refinanced by issued debt securities or credit facilities. Rabobank Annual Report 2017 - Consolidated financial statements 239

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2017 | | pagina 240