Contents Introduction Management report Appendices Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements financial assets', as applicable. The liability to the counterparty is included under'Deposits from banks'or'Deposits from customers', as applicable. Financial assets acquired under reverse sale and reverse repurchase agreements are recognised as 'Loans and advances to banks'or'Loans and advances to customers', as applicable. The difference between the sales and repurchasing prices is recognised as interest income/expense over the term of the agreement using the effective interest method. 2.9 Securitisations and (de)recognition of financial assets and liabilities Recognition of financial assets and liabilities Purchases and sales of financial assets and liabilities classified as fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets which are required to be delivered within a regulatory- prescribed period or in accordance with market conventions are recognised on the transaction date. Financial instruments carried at amortised cost are recognised on the settlement date. Securitisations and derecognition of financial assets and liabilities Rabobank securitises, sells and carries various financial assets. Those assets are sometimes sold to a special purpose entity (SPE) which then issues securities to investors. Rabobank has the option of retaining an interest in these assets in the form of subordinated interest-only strips, subordinated securities, spread accounts, servicing rights, guarantees, put and call options or other constructions. A financial asset (or a portion thereof) is derecognised where: The rights to the cash flows from the asset expire; The rights to the cash flows from the asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset are transferred; A commitment has been made to transfer the cash flows from the asset and a substantial portion of the risks and rewards have been transferred; or Not substantially all the risks and rewards are transferred but where control over the asset is not retained. A financial liability or a part thereof is derecognised if it ceases to exist, i.e. after the contractual obligation has been fulfilled or cancelled or has expired. Continuing involvement is recognised if Rabobank neither retains nor transfers substantially all the risks and rewards and control has retained.The asset is recognised to the extent of Rabobanks continuing involvement in it. Where a transaction does not meet these conditions for derecognition, it is recognised as a loan for which security has been provided. To the extent that the transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition, Rabobank's contractual rights are not separately recognised as derivatives if recognition of these instruments and the transferred asset, or the liability arising from the transfer, were to result in the double recognition of the same rights and obligations. Profits and losses on securitisations and sale transactions depend partly on the carrying amounts of the assets transferred. The carrying amounts of these assets are allocated to the interests sold and retained using the relative fair values of these interests on the date of sale. Any gains and losses are recognised through profit and loss atthe time of transfer. The fair value of the interests sold and retained is determined on the basis of listed market prices or as the present value of the future expected cash flows based on pricing models that involve a number of assumptions regarding, for Instance, credit losses, discount rates, yield curves, payment frequency and otherfactors. 2.10 Cash and cash equivalents Cash equivalents are highly liquid short-term assets held at central banks to meet current cash obligations rather than for investment or other purposes.These assets have terms of less than 90 days from inception. Cash equivalents are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. 2.11 Offsetting financial assets and liabilities Where there is legal right to offset recognised amounts and it is intended to settle the expected future cash flows on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously, financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is recognised in the statement of financial position.This relates predominantly to derivatives and reverse repurchase agreements.The offsetting oftaxes is addressed in section 2.24. 2.12 Foreign currency Foreign entities Transactions and balances included in the financial statements of individual entities within Rabobank Group are reported in the currency that best reflects the economic reality of the individual entity's underlying operating environment (the functional currency). Rabobank Annual Report 2017 - Consolidated financial statements 180

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2017 | | pagina 181