Contents Introduction Management report Appendices Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements 2.2 Consolidated financial statements 2.2.7 Subsidiaries The participating interests over which Rabobank has control are its subsidiaries (including structured entities) and these are consolidated. Control is exercised over a participating interest if the investor is entitled to receive variable returns from its involvement in the participating interest and has the ability to influence these returns through its control over the participating interest. The assets, liabilities and profit and loss of these companies are fully consolidated. Subsidiaries are consolidated as from the date on which Rabobank acquires effective control and subsidiaries are de-consolidated as of the date on which this control is ceded. Transactions, balances and unrealised gains and losses on transactions between and among Rabobank Group and its subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation. Internal liability (cross-guarantee system) Various legal entities belonging to Rabobank Group are internally liable under an intragroup mutual keep well system. Under this system the participating entities are bound, in the event of a lack of funds of a participating entity to satisfy its creditors, to provide the funds necessary to allow the deficient participant to satisfy its creditors.The system is a remnant of Rabobank's previous cooperative structure that was in effect until 31 December 2015, when the Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. and the local member banks merged into a single legal entity: Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. Therefore, it is intended that the system will be terminated in the course of 2018. As on 31 December 2017, the remaining participants are: Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A Rabohypotheekbank N.V. De Lage Landen International B.V. Rabo Factoring B.V. (previously named De Lage Landen Trade Finance B.V.) Rabo Lease B.V. (previously named De Lage Landen Financial Services B.V.) Rabo Direct Financiering B.V (previously named De Lage Landen Financiering B.V.) 2.2.2 Investments in associates and joint ventures Investments in associates and joint ventures are initially recognised at cost and subsequently accounted for using the equity method of accounting. Its share of post-acquisition profits and losses are recognised in the income statement and its share of post-acquisition movements in reserves are recognised directly in other comprehensive income. The cumulative post-acquisition movements are included in the carrying amount of the investment. Associates are entities over which Rabobank can exercise significant influence and in which it generally holds between 20% and 50% of the voting rights but does not have control. A joint venture is an agreement between one or more parties under which the parties jointly have control and are jointly entitled to the net assets under the agreement. Unrealised profits on transactions between Rabobank and its associates and joint ventures are eliminated in proportion to Rabobank's interest in the respective associates and joint ventures. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction indicates that an impairment loss should be recognised on the asset(s) underlying the transaction. Investments in associates include the goodwill acquired. Where the share of an associate's losses is equal to or exceeds its interest in the associate, losses are recognised only where Rabobank has given undertakings to, or made payments on behalf of, the associate. 2.3 Derivatives and hedging General Derivatives generally comprise foreign exchange contracts, currency and interest rate futures, forward rate agreements, currency and interest rate swaps and currency and interest rate options (written or acquired). Derivatives are recognised at fair value (excluding transaction costs) determined on the basis of listed market prices (with mid-prices being used for EUR, USD and GBP derivatives that have a bid-ask range), prices offered by traders, discounted cash flow models and option valuation models based on current market prices and contract prices for the underlying instruments and reflecting the time value of money, yield curves and the volatility of the underlying assets and liabilities. Derivatives are included under assets if their fair value is positive and under liabilities if their fair value is negative. If their risks and characteristics are not closely related to those of the underlying non-derivative host contract and the contract is not classified as at fair value, derivatives that are embedded in other financial instruments are bifurcated and measured separately with unrealised profits and losses being recognised in profit and loss in'Gains/ (losses) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss'. Instruments not used for hedging Realised and unrealised gains and losses on derivatives for trading purposes are recognised at fair value in 'Gains/ (losses) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss'. Rabobank Annual Report 2017 - Consolidated financial statements 177

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2017 | | pagina 178