Contents Introduction Management report Appendices Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements SRS 305-2 305-3 Disclosure Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2) Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3) Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity Reduction of GHG emissions 305-7 GRI401: Social series GRI 401: Employment 401 Management approach disclosures Parental leave Reference Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint. We do report our emissions in C02 as this is the most relevant indicator for a financial services provider, we mostly use conversion factors from DEFRA and the IEA (as explained in appendix 1 who use GWP factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th assessment report. Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint. We do report our emissions in C02 as this is the most relevant indicator for a financial services provider, we mostly use conversion factors from DEFRA and the IEA (as explained in appendix 1who use GWP factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th assessment report. Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Omission (if applicable) Emissions of ozone- depleting substances (ODS) NOX, SOX, and other significant air emissions New employee hires and employee turnover Benefits provided to full- time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 103-1: Empowered Employees 103-2 103-3: Empowered Employees Targets and policies Appendix 3: Social indicators GRI 402: Labor/management relations 402 Management approach disclosures Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes 103-1: Stakeholder engagement 103-2 103-3: Stakeholder engagement Appendix 3: Social indicators Rabobank does not produce estimates related to the emissions of the financing portfolio. We expect to disclose this information in 2018. We do report on our greenhouse gas emissions and the continuous efforts to reduce them. We do not report in detail the reductions due to specific initiatives as we do not consider it relevant to report that for a financial services provider. As a financial service provider, this is not material to our company As a financial service provider, this is not material to our company There is no difference in the fringe benefits between full-time and part-time employees or between employees with a fixed-term/indefinite contract. The rules for some fringe benefits do depend on the number of working days or hours worked. Taking parental leave as an example, you are allowed to take 26 times your working hours as leave. The fixed commuting expense allowance is based on the number of days worked. Some fringe benefits are paid pro rata to the number of hours defined in the contract of employment. The benefits for employees are included in our collective labouring agreement (eligible for most of our employees - the Netherlands). Please refer to: images/rabobank-cao-2017-2020.pdf Please see omission The most significant part of employees is located in the Netherlands. Benefits for entities located outside the Netherlands are partly based on local legislation and regulations, as well as market conditions, but always based on the same vision on reward and remuneration. These are not always publicly available per country. We have no accurate information available to report on this indicator. Rabobank Annual Report 2017 - Appendices 123

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2017 | | pagina 124