Contents Introduction Management report Appendices Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements SRS 203-2 Disclosure Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts Reference Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals Financial Inclusion Rural Development Report: Social Impact Report: efinitief.pdf Omission (if applicable) Appendix 3: Equator Principles GRI301: Environmental Series GRI 302: Energy 302 Management approach 103-1: disclosures Vision: Banking for Food Promoting sustainable food supply 103-2: Sustainably successful together Kickstart food World business council for sustainable development 302-2 Energy consumption within the organisation Energy consumption outside of the organisation 302-3 Energy intensity 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services GRI 305: Emissions 305 Management approach disclosures 103-3: Sustainably successful together Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Appendix 3: Energy usage Rabobank group by source and activity Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Appendix 1About this report - Scope and boundaries Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint Appendix 3: Energy usage Rabobank group by source and activity Appendix 3: Equator principles 103-1: Vision: Banking for Food Promoting sustainable food supply We do report the emissions of relevant Scope 3 sources for a financial services provider. We do not report the consumption outside the organisation in energy parameters as we do not consider this relevant for a financial services provider. We do report the C02 per FTE as we consider this a relevant metric of a financial services provider. As such, we do not report an energy intensity ratio. We do report on our greenhouse gas emissions and the continuous efforts to reduce them. We do not report in detail the reductions due to specific initiatives as we do not consider it relevant to report that for a financial services provider. As a financial service provider, this is not material to our company 103-2: Sustainably successful together Kickstart food World business council for sustainable development 103-3: Sustainably successful together 305-1 Direct greenhouse gas Appendix 1: About this report-Scope and boundaries We do not specify fossil (GHG) emissions (Scope 1Appendix 3: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate footprint. versus biogenic emissions as this is not relevant for a We do report our calculated emissions in C02 as this is the most relevant indicator for a financial services provider, financial services provider (not in CH4, N20 or other gases), we mostly use conversion factors from DEFRA and the IEA (as explained in appendix 1) who use GWP factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th assessment report. Rabobank Annual Report 2017 - Appendices 122

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2017 | | pagina 123