Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 Overview of 10 value chains and the role of Rabobank in 2016: Value chain Member RT/Initiative Rabobank highlights 2016 Beef Global Roundtable Sustainable Beef (GRSB) Brazil Livestock Roundtable (GTPS) - Active in discussions on Brazil guidelines for sustainable livestock production. - Participating in multiple meetings of the GTPS. - We published a joint report with WWF on Integrated Crop-Live Stock-Forest Systems addressing a more climate-friendly approach to cattle farming. Biomaterials Cocoa Coffee Dairy Forestry Palm oil Seafood Associate member EU Biobased industries consortium Associate member Dutch biorefinery cluster Host of third Agri Meets Chemical Conference Host of European conference on bioeconomy geassocieerde-leden Member Global Coffee Platform (previously 4C which is now integrated in this platform) Advisory council Global Dairy Agenda for Action (GDAA) and Dairy Sustainability Framework (DSF) uploads/2016/10/Rabobank IN574 Dairy and the Sustainable Development Goals Bellamy Bogdan Oct2016. pdf Banking Environment Initiative sustainability/vision-and-policy/vision-sustainably-successful- together.html Member Of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil - RSPO Board: governors and board-of-governors/alternate-members Partner ASC and through ASC with Global Salmon Initiative Initiative Partnership WWF/Rabobank sustainability/partnership-wnf/index.html Rabobank has continued its role as partner and fuelled the possibilities with Biomaterials by hosting the third AgriMeetsChemicals Conference in close coordination with Deloitte. See: manufacturing/events/agri-meets-chemicals-conference.html Further at the request of the EU commission and the Dutch presidency in 2016 we hosted the bioeconomy conference in Utrecht in April. Wiebe Draijer acted as one of the key note speakers. - Multiple deals with cocoa traders to support smallholders through supply chain finance with Rabobank Foundation. - Multiple partnerships with cocoa traders and companies, NGO's to support smallholders through supply chain finance capacity building of coops with Rabobank Foundation and Rabo Development. Rabobank also joined the Global Coffee Platform that was launched in April 2016. The Global Coffee Platform (GCP) is the multi-stakeholder sustainable coffee platform that unites stakeholders in a non-competitive approach working towards a thriving, sustainable sector. Rabobank is actively participating and sharing input with this new Global Coffee Platform and driving the sustainability coffee agenda forward also in its relations with our clients. membership). Another example is our golden sponsorship of the Annual Swiss Coffee Trade Association meeting, where the Future of Coffee Trading and 'Climate change and Coffee: Risk and Response' were two themes on the agenda for panel discussion, in which Rabobank participated. The coffee infographic was presented here. As part of our work on DSF we published an Industry Note on the SDGs and the DSF's work and necessary work on this. Also working with WWF and Friesland Campina working on biodiversity projects enhancing a framework for KPIs incorporating biodiversity for the value chain. See: werken-samen-aan-biodiversiteit-landbouw The Banking Environment Initiative (BEI): The BEI is an initiative that is comprised of global banking institutions stretching across Asia, Europe, the United States and Latin America. Together with our members, the BEI has looked into determining how banks might best align with our deforestation commitment. Its overriding mission is to lead the banking industry in collectively directing capital towards environmentally and socially sustainable economic development. Rabobank contributed to working groups on making smallholders more sustainable Rabobank participated in the Financial Institution Task Force We published our vision on Sustainable Palm Oil In 2016 we shared our views on the Global Salmon Initiative. Rabobank-2016.pdf Rabobank supports the ASC through its Impact Loan initiative with EIB. 29800042. pdf With WWF we support a project on ASC and salmon in Chile. See monitoring plan 2016 Steering Group WWF/Rabo partnership Soy Member Of the Roundtable for Sustainable Soy - acting President of the Executive Board in 2016 executive-board/?lang=en Chair of the 11th annual conference of RTRS Sugar Cane Bonsucro Main work with Bonsucro relates to our partnership in India with WWF and partner with EID Parry. See article Bonsucro as well as monitoring report steering committee WWF/ Rabo. Public affairs Due to the crucial role financial institutions play, we engage with all our stakeholders on a broad range of topics that impact the opportunities to finance our clients. These include the operation and design of the banking industry and policies and bills in the financial sector as well as other regulatory initiatives. The topics we covered with our stakeholders in 2016 include Payments Services Directive 2, capital standards, how to resolve institutions, developments in lending to the economy, initiatives with regard to duty of care, special asset management and developments around solving outstanding issues with derivatives for SMEs. These discussions were held 75 Our output and impact: engaging with stakeholders

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 372