ncreasing transparency Our output and impact At Rabobank, we believe it is important to be open about our customers' evaluation of their experience with Rabobank's service. We use customer feedback every day to improve our services. In 2016 several measures were taken to promote transparency. Customers' confidence in Rabobank was monitored for the second time, and we are working to improve our banking terms and conditions. An important part of this was about making the language we use in our communication with customers more accessible. With an eye to improving overall transparency and clarity, we also revised several key texts, like letters to customers, brochures and product conditions. Our measures also extended to reporting on sustainability topics in our core processes. Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 Revisited banking terms and conditions represent significant improvement for customers Rabobank is working to improve the banking terms and conditions. The current General Banking Terms and Conditions (GBTC) will be replaced on 1 March 2017 by a new and more accessible set of terms and conditions. The new GBTC was written in a style that is easier to understand, and includes illustrative examples. The new version also pays more attention to the customer's rights regarding the bank, making it much more functional for customers. Rabobank has also rewritten many of the letters, brochures and product conditions in clearer, understandable language that keeps the customer's perspective firmly in mind. Internal Regulation for Reporting of Abuses The Internal Regulation for Reporting Abuses offers staff the possibility to safely address (possible) misconduct within the organisation. It contributes to transparent governance and promotes integrity within Rabobank. In 2016 the procedures for reporting misconduct have been updated. The most significant change is that employees may report anonymously. Also in 2016 the external 'Speak Up' platform in combination with a local external trusted person was initiated. The roll-out for all international locations has been completed and implementation for the Netherlands will follow in the first half of 2017. The Trusted Committee received 8 reports of possible misconduct in 2016. These were all discussed and appropriately handled. In addition the Committee also finalised five cases that were initiated in 2015. Stimulating transparency to promote sustainability We believe that increased transparency adds to fruitful discussions about sustainability with members, clients and other stakeholders. Transparency contributes to accelerating sustainable development. Rabobank aims to increase transparency in its reporting on the progression and integration of sustainability topics in its core processes. The Annual Report is one of the most important tools we have to share this information. Rabobank's ranking in the Transparency Benchmark (TB) rose sharply in 2016, and is now at the top of the Dutch financial sector. This external acknowledgement of our efforts to increase transparency has been encouraging. Our efforts to stimulate transparency to promote and accelerate sustainable development do not stop there. We engage with clients who need to take further steps to be fully compliant with our policies. We are open to being rated by independent sustainability rating agencies so we can learn from their views on our progress. In 2016, Rabobank also drafted an updated version of our Sustainability Policy Framework and introduced the Sustainable Procurement Standard. The following sections will elaborate on our transparency promoting activities in the area of sustainable development and discuss how the findings of external sustainability ratings agencies factor into our day-to-day business and policy. Our top ranking demonstrates that we are already making strides towards increasing transparency on sustainability issues, but we believe there is always more to be done. 66 Rabobank Annual Report 2016

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 362