Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 EatR (Equity at Risk): Measure indicating the percentage by which the market value of equity will decrease if the yield curve increases (in parallel) by one percentage point. Economic capital or internal capital requirement: This refers to the minimum capital buffer required in order to offset all unexpected losses caused by the various risks to which a bank is exposed during a specific time period (one year), assuming a specific reliability interval. Engagement: Have a two-way dialogue with key stakeholders, such as our employees, business partners, clients and society to learn and understand the challenges they face, the innovations in the market, and developments in sustainability frames of reference. Engagement contributes to ongoing learning and improvement by enabling Rabobank to: identify and create commercial opportunities; to identify and appraise risks; have the opportunity to remedy grievances among the Group's stakeholders; share our knowledge and networks with our clients to motivate them to deal responsibly with their sustainability issues. Ethics Committee: Rabobank Committee established in 1998 which assesses practical situations that have an underlying ethical dilemma and weighs them against Rabobank's norms and values. Equity capital ratio: Funding: Green Bond: Green Mortgage: Retained earnings and Rabobank Certificates related to risk-weighted assets. Funds used by the bank to finance its lending operations. Fund allocated to the financing of renewable energy projects (solar and wind). Mortgage that encourages customers to opt for an energy efficient new home by giving then a discount (0.5%) on the interest. Hybrid capital: Capital including components of equity and liabilities, forming part of the bank's tier 1 capital. IatR (Income at Risk): This measure indicates, with some degree of reliability, the maximum loss of interest profit caused by a sharp increase or decline in money market interest rates over the next 12 months. Impact Loan: Loan with a significant interest account introduced by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Rabobank for sustainability frontrunners in the Netherlands with a positive social impact. Impaired loans: Interest rate risk: Loans for which a provision has been made. The risk that the bank's financial performance and/or economic value, based on the balance sheet structure, is negatively affected by trends in the money market. LGD (Loss Given Default): Estimate of economic loss in the event of default on the part of the debtor. The LGD is expressed as a percentage of the EAD. 394 Rabobank Annual Report 2016

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 326