- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 The third pillar for managing liquidity risk consists of a good credit rating, high capital levels and prudent funding policies. Rabobank takes various measures to avoid becoming overly dependent on a single source of funding. These include balanced diversification of financing sources with respect to maturity, currencies, investors, geography and markets, a high degree of unsecured funding and therefore limited asset encumbrance, and an active and consistent investor-relations policy play a major role. Furthermore, scenario analyses are performed each month to determine the potential consequences of a wide range of stress scenarios. The analyses cover market-specific scenarios, Rabobank-specific scenarios and a combination of both. Monthly reports on the Group's overall liquidity position are submitted to the Dutch Central Bank. These reports are prepared in accordance with the guidelines drawn up by this supervisory authority. The table below shows the undiscounted liabilities grouped according to the remaining liquidity period from the reporting date to the expected contract repayment date. The total amounts do not correspond exactly with the amounts in the consolidated statement of financial position because this table is based on undiscounted contractual cash flows relating to both principal and future interest payments. Derivatives have not been analysed on the basis of the contractual due date, because they are not essential for the management of liquidity risk or for reporting to senior management. Contractual repayment date in millions of euros On demand Less than 3 months 3 months to 1 year 1 - 5 years Longer than 5 years Total On 31 December 2016 Liabilities Deposits from banks 4,376 10,293 2,451 4,021 1,104 22,245 Deposits from customers 252,907 44,693 14,141 14,646 23,742 350,129 Debt securities in issue 33,370 38,687 68,561 32,012 172,630 Other liabilities (excluding employee benefits) 1,104 3,975 951 656 67 6,753 Financial liabilities held for trading 739 739 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 95 628 2,735 4,635 23,006 31,099 Subordinated liabilities 2,344 22,913 25,257 Total financial liabilities 258,482 93,698 58,965 94,863 102,844 608,852 Financial guarantees 11,595 11,595 Loan commitments 44,889 44,889 in millions of euros On demand Less than 3 months 3 months to 1 year 1 - 5 years Longer than 5 years Total On 31 December 2015 Liabilities Deposits from banks 2,911 9,465 2,521 3,492 795 19,184 Deposits from customers 254,264 46,182 12,534 13,290 23,848 350,118 Debt securities in issue 117 32,480 48,941 67,701 40,518 189,757 Other liabilities (excluding employee benefits) 1,471 3,741 1,060 614 48 6,934 Financial liabilities held for trading 573 573 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 59 615 2,434 4,696 21,088 28,892 Subordinated liabilities 50 10 2,435 21,524 24,019 Total financial liabilities 258,822 93,106 67,500 92,228 107,821 619,477 Financial guarantees 10,402 10,402 Loan commitments 46,674 46,674 197 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 305