Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Collective allowances for: - Retail exposures if it is not economically justified to recognise the loss on an individual basis; - Incurred but not reported losses. The detailed approach for each category is further explained in section 2.15 'Loans and advances to customers and banks'. Loan impairment allowances are recognised where there is objective evidence that not all amounts due under the original terms of the contract may be recoverable. Determining an allowance requires a significant degree of judgement, based on management's evaluation of the risks in the loan portfolio, the current economic circumstances, credit losses in previous years, and developments in financial credits, business sectors, business concentrations and geopolitical factors. Changes in management judgement formulation and further analyses may lead to changes in the magnitude of loan impairment allowances over time. Uncertainty is inherent in determining objective evidence of reduced creditworthiness and in determining the magnitude of the recoverable amounts and these involve assessing a variety of assumptions and factors regarding the creditworthiness of borrowers, the expected future cash flows and the value of collateral. See section 7 'Loans and advances to banks' and section 11 'Loans and advances to customers' for an analysis of the loan impairment allowances on loans to customers and banks. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities Information regarding the determination of the fair value of financial assets and liabilities is included in paragraph 4.9 'Fair value of financial assets and liabilities' and paragraph 10 'Derivatives'. Impairment of goodwill, other intangible assets and investments in associates and joint ventures Goodwill and other intangible assets are assessed for impairment - at least once a year - by comparing the recoverable value to the carrying amount, while investments in associates and joint ventures are tested for impairment when specific triggers are identified. The determination of the recoverable amount in an impairment assessment of these assets requires estimates based on quoted market prices, prices of comparable businesses, present value or other valuation techniques, or a combination thereof, necessitating management to make subjective judgments and assumptions. Because these estimates and assumptions could result in significant differences to the amounts reported if underlying circumstances were to change, these estimates are considered to be critical. The important assumptions for determining recoverable value of goodwill are set out in Section 14 and for investments in associates and joint ventures are set out in Section 13. Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 Taxation Estimates are used when determining the income tax charge and the related current and deferred tax assets and liabilities. Tax treatment of transactions is not always clear or certain and, in a number of countries, prior year tax returns often remain open and subject to tax authority approval for lengthy periods. The tax assets and liabilities reported are based on the best available information, and where applicable, on external advice. Differences between the final outcome and the estimates originally made are accounted for in the current and deferred tax assets and liabilities in the period in which reasonable certainty is obtained. Other provisions In applying IAS 37 judgement is involved in determining whether a present obligation exists and in estimating the probability, timing and amount of any outflows. More information on judgements regarding the provision for SME derivatives and the restructuring provision is included in section 25 Provisions. The consolidation of structured entities is a critical estimate that requires judgement and is described in section 50 Structured entities. 2.2 Consolidated financial statements 2.2.1 Subsidiaries The participating interests over which Rabobank has control are its subsidiaries (including structured entities) and these are consolidated. Control is exercised over a participating interest if the investor is entitled to receive variable returns from its involvement in the participating interest and has the ability to influence these returns through its control over the participating interest. The assets, liabilities and profit and loss of these companies are fully consolidated. Subsidiaries are consolidated as from the date on which Rabobank acquires effective control and subsidiaries are de-consolidated as of the date on which this control is ceded. Transactions, balances and unrealised gains and losses on transactions between and among Rabobank Group and its subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation. Joint and several liability (cross-guarantee system) Under the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht), various legal entities owned by Rabobank are jointly and severally liable under an Internal intra-group mutual keep well arrangement that requires the participating entities to provide the funds necessary should any participant not have sufficient funds to settle its debts. 177 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 265