Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 Procedures performed We have exercised professional judgement and have maintained professional scepticism throughout the assurance engagement, in accordance with the Dutch Standard 3810N, ethical requirements and independence requirements. Our main review procedures included: Performing an external environment analysis and obtaining insight into relevant social themes and issues, and the characteristics of the organization; Evaluating the appropriateness of the reporting policy and its consistent application, including the evaluation of the results of the stakeholders' dialog and the reasonableness of management's estimates. Evaluating the design and implementation of the reporting systems and processes related to the Sustainability Statements in the Annual Report 2016; Interviewing management and relevant staff at corporate and branch level responsible for the sustainability strategy and policies; Interviewing relevant staff responsible for providing sustainability information, carrying out internal control procedures on the data and consolidating the data included the Sustainability Statements. An analytical review of the data and trends submitted for consolidation at corporate level. Joining the internal audit department in meetings with the business and other locations; Reviewing internal and external documentation to determine whether the sustainability information, including the disclosure, presentation and assertions made in the Sustainability Statements is substantiated adequately; Assessing the consistency of the Sustainability Statements and the information included in the Annual Report 2016 which is not in scope for this assurance report; Assessing whether the Sustainability Statements have been prepared in accordance with the sustainability reporting Guidelines version G4 of GRI and the internally applied reporting criteria as described in Appendix 1:'About this report' and Appendix 2: 'Sustainably Successful Together'; Reviewing the relevant work of the Internal Audit function; and Discussing our observations with management. In addition to the procedures mentioned above, we performed the following audit procedures on the fourteen sustainability key performance indicators in the tables on the pages 125 - 128 and Appendix 3 on the pages 129 - 134, included amongst others: Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement of the Sustainability Statements, whether due to fraud or error, designing and performing audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtaining audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than one resulting from errors, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control; Evaluating the design and implementation of the reporting systems and processes related to the sustainability information; Evaluating the overall presentation, structure and content of the Sustainability Statements, including the disclosures; Testing relevant data and internal and external documentation, on a sample basis, to determine the reliability of the information in the information in the Sustainability Statements; Attending a number of local Rabobanks of Rabobank in order to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of the source information provided by the local Rabobanks to Rabobank. Amsterdam, 8 March 2017 PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. Original has been signed by PJ. van Mierlo RA 121 Assurance report of the independent auditor

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 153