Contents Foreword Management report Corporate governance Sustainability in training We are currently halfway through the SST programme (2014-2020) and sustainability is now part of the educational framework of the business lines in the Netherlands. Since 2014, we have been offering our account managers a workshop on discussing sustainability risks and opportunities with clients. This year saw the introduction of another workshop aimed at our advisers on the integration of the financing of energy-saving measures within the mortgage consultations. In 2016, we also organised a number of workshops on the topic of new cooperatives. These workshops trained 81 local Rabobanks on offering professional services to groups who are looking for ways to contribute to broader societal themes with the objective of benefitting society while making a profit. Since the roll-out in 2015, 34 local Rabobanks have already followed a management workshop on Sustainability (16 banks in 2016). This is a non-mandatory tailor-made workshop of 2.5 hours to inspire management teams and assist them in integrating sustainability into their businesses. Next to all specific trainings on sustainability, the topic of sustainability is integrated into different courses for client- facing staff and management teams. Examples include the Credit Risk Management curriculum for client-facing staff in our Corporate and Wholesale divisions, the annual KICK trainings for local Rabobank employees and the Continuing Education for all Heads of Local Rabobanks ('directievoorzitters') and their Corporate Heads ('directeuren bedrijven'). We have also launched a company-wide e-learning module on sustainability, IJoin, to train all employees on the topic of sustainability, IJoin covers all areas of sustainability: social engagement, our own business operations and the integration of sustainability into our products and services to clients. Participants are also invited to share their suggestions for more sustainable steps within the bank. Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 Sustainability as an educational theme is growing in importance. However, both the Sustainability department and Human Resources have the ambition to jointly take the opportunity to develop a systematic approach to the integration of sustainability in education in 2017. We will focus on creating a company-wide programme which will include sustainability, integrating it into educational programmes for client-facing staff as well as management development programmes. KPI: Cooperative and sustainable banking forms an integral part of recruitment and selection and the training programmes for all employees. Target group Number of specific sustainability trainings available (non-mandatory) Percentage of local Rabobanks where courses were held in 2016 Retail advisers local Rabobanks 2 12% Corporate division local Rabobank 2 76% Management local Rabobanks 1 16% Rabobank has integrated the subject of sustainability in more trainings and educational programmes, in addition to the above presented figures. However, structural measuring of these programmes is yet to be initiated. In 2017 a project will start in which sustainability will be integrated in all relevant training programmes. With regard to recruitment and selection the topic of sustainability has been integrated in onboarding programmes, but is yet to be embedded further in selection processes. Sustainable procurement of educational programmes and employees Rabobank suppliers of educational programmes and external employees are expected to comply with Rabobanks Sustainable Procurement Standard, drawn up in 2016. These suppliers are requested to submit a CSR Profile from the platform FIRA. 101 Our output and impact: developing talent and competencies

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 113