Corporate social responsibility report Complete customer focus Customer satisfaction is our goal, and this can only be achieved by really putting the customer first. In 2015, we began focusing more and more on what our customers were telling us. Often, their input was the starting point for the steps we made, the deals we closed and the products we introduced. In this manner, we were able to live up to our reputation as a customer-focused, cooperative bank with strong online and offline services for private individuals, home owners, entrepreneurs, farmers, starters and big companies. With our finance solutions, knowledge sharing and networking, we help customers move forward and stimulate economic development. Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 1 Satisfaction and trust Our customers let us know that they have high expectations for Rabobank. They count on their ongoing relationships with involved advisors who think about solutions and are prepared to go the extra mile.They also expect a bank that is willing to help when times are financially difficult.Transparent products and clear conditions are also extremely important. It is up to us to live up to these expectations and win back their trust. In 2015, we made an important start in these areas. Scores Our customer satisfaction scores (average of individual, private banking and business customers) increased to 7.7 in 2015 compared to 7.6 in 2014 (based on internal measurements, at a scale of 1 to 10). We also see that the satisfaction with regard to our bank advisors has improved greatly in 2015. We measure customer satisfaction based on the Net Promotor Score (NPS) of our advisors, the Customer Effect Score (CES) regarding the ease with which customers can do business with us, and the Customer Advocacy Score (CAS) concerning the extent to which customers feel we put their interests first. Our research shows that the NPS for our individual customer advisors increases significantly in 2015. This positive trend is also noticeable with the CAS. Customers indicate that they are mainly very happy with the advisor with regard to 'good explanation of advice','contributing ideas'and 'expertise'. The CES can fluctuate between -100 and 100. Our CES is high and has remained stable throughout the year. Customers feel that questions with regard to everyday banking concerns, are handled properly and personally. Customer feedback We use customer feedback to improve our service. For example, customers indicate that there are areas of improvement with regard to clear and specific communication. We are working on improving our communication, so that this is better aligned with the situation of the customer. We will also communicate more clearly what customers can expect and what customers can take care of themselves. For 2015, we see a slight increase in customer satisfaction with regard to the handling of complaints. Over all of 2015, the satisfaction score is 7.5. Rabobank's desired score for this is an 8 or higher, so there is still work to be done. We are constantly making improvements based on customer feedback. Starting in 2016 we will increase the transparency with regard to complaint handling by publishing on which improvements have been made based on all customer feedback. Confidence Monitor In 2015, the Dutch Banking Association (DBA) published the Banking Confidence Monitor for the first time, an extensive research study with regard to the opinion of customers, supplemented with scores by The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).The scores were telling: the general confidence in the sector received an unsatisfactory score. Read more information here. Three large points of improvement came to light in the DBA report: customer contact, the processing of complaints and handling payment arrears in mortgages. In the customer research studies of Rabobank the same themes 73 Corporate social responsibility report

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 74