Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Evaluator RobecoSAM Sustainalytics Transparency benchmark Fair Finance Guide Description In cooperation with S&P Dow Jones Indices RobecoSAM publishes the globally renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Based on its own Corporate Sustainability Assessment of 3,000 listed and non-listed companies, RobecoSAM has built one of the most extensive databases in the world of financially relevant sustainability information. Sustainalytics is a global leader in sustainability research. Sustainalytics supports investors in the development and execution of responsible investment strategies. Investors use the research studies of Sustainalytics to integrate environmental, social and governance factors in their investment. The Transparency benchmark is an annual research study in the Netherlands with regard to the content and quality of social reporting in Dutch companies. The Fair Finance Guide (Eerlijke Bankwijzer) is an annual research report commissioned by the following social organisations: Amnesty International, Dierenbescherming, FNV, Milieudefensie, Oxfam Novib, and PAX. The Fair Finance Guide compares the most important Dutch providers of individual payment and savings accounts with regard to social topics it has selected. The report evaluates the investment and financial policy of eight Dutch banking groups and looks at for example 'climate change', 'labour rights', 'weapons' and 'animal welfare'. The goal of the Fair Finance Guide is to improve CSR for banks that are active in the Netherlands. Performance Rabobank Group in 2015 In 2015, Rabobank received 87 points and with that ended in 5th place in the ranking of the banks category. This is an increase compared to 2014 when Rabobank was ranked 12th, with 83 points. In 2015, Rabobank scores 80 points. That is 10 points more than last year. Rabobank rose to the 11thplace with this score in a peer group of 422 financial institutions worldwide in the banking sector (40 in 2014). This is a ranking in the de top 5% and with this Rabobank is classified as an 'Industry Leader'. Rabobank scores 169 points on the Transparency benchmark with the integrated Annual Report 2014. This is 1 point higher than last year. With this score Rabobank ranks 34th (22nd in 2014). Rabobank's Flonest Bank Guide score has increased significantly in 2015. The Flonest Bank Guide rates Rabobank 'satisfactory'to 'good' on most of the eighteen topics evaluated, but feels the Rabo needs to aim higher on six topics. Read the fuII report here. The reporting agencies provide feedback regarding Rabobank's methods for integrating sustainability into its business operation and its success in doing so compared to other parties. We take their recommendations seriously and work to improve the weaker points mentioned in the reports. These improvements are what led to Rabobank's higher ranking in 2015. Social debate Rabobank has continuous dialogues with social welfare organisations.These discussions usually relate to the standpoints of the bank. A list of debated topics and the outcome of discussions is included in appendix 2. Discussion in 2015 covered various sustainability matters, including land rights, livestock farming and the palm oil supply chain. Rabobank is in contact with politicians, officials and financial regulators in The Hague and Brussels. For example, in 2015 Rabobank took part in round-table discussions regarding special asset management, sustainable banking and the tenure system, which were organised by the Dutch House of Representatives.The Parliamentary Standing Committee for Finance visited Rabobank's Chairman of the Executive Board, Wiebe Draijer. Rabobank regularly consults with members of the various political parties on a regular basis. In 2015, Rabobank participated in various international state visits and trade missions.The bank has set out its standpoints in a series of position papers, which are also available on our corporate website. 72 Rabobank Annual Report 2015

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 73