74.2 Own funds requirements Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements C 02.00 - OWN FUNDS REQUIREMENTS (CA2) Amount x 1,000 1 Total risk exposure amount 213,091,666 Of which: Investment firms under Article 90 paragraph 2 and Article 93 of CRR Of which: Investment firms under Article 91 paragraph 1 and 2 and Article 92 of CRR Risk weighted exposure amounts for credit, counterparty credit and dilution risks and free deliveries 183,631,895 .1 Standardised approach (SA) 18,729,786 .1.1 SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions 18,729,786 .1.1.01 Central governments or central banks 3,734,420 .1.1.02 Regional governments or local authorities .1.1.03 Public sector entities .1.1.04 Multilateral Development Banks .1.1.05 International Organisations .1.1.06 Institutions 137,186 .1.1.07 Corporates 8,444,938 .1.1.08 Retail 3,130,264 .1.1.09 Secured by mortgages on immovable property 2,334,515 .1.1.10 Exposures in default 893,564 .1.1.11 Items associated with particular high risk 54,898 .1.1.12 Covered bonds .1.1.13 Claims on institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment .1.1.14 Collective investments undertakings (CIU) .1.1.15 Equity .1.1.16 Other items .1.2 Securitisation positions SA .1.2* of which: resecuritisation .2 Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) 164,839,609 .2.1 IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used .2.1.01 Central governments and central banks .2.1.02 Institutions .2.1.03 Corporates-SME .2.1.04 Corporates - Specialised Lending .2.1.05 Corporates - Other .2.2 IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used 134,129,841 .2.2.01 Central governments and central banks 1,109,257 .2.2.02 Institutions 6,637,154 .2.2.03 Corporates-SME 31,028,101 .2.2.04 Corporates - Specialised Lending 9,572,346 .2.2.05 Corporates - Other 44,681,129 .2.2.06 Retail - Secured by real estate SME 6,014,213 .2.2.07 Retail - Secured by real estate non-SME 26,178,387 .2.2.08 Retail - Qualifying revolving .2.2.09 Retail-Other SME 6,742,072 .2.2.10 Retail - Other non-SME 2,167,181 .2.3 Equity IRB 13,465,083 .2.4 Securitisation positions IRB 2,218,935 .2.4* Of which: resecuritisation 185,734 .2.5 Other non credit-obligation assets 15,025,751 .3 Risk exposure amount for contributions to the default fund of a CCP 62,500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 Total risk exposure amount for settlement/delivery Settlement/delivery risk in the non-Trading book Settlement/delivery risk in the Trading book Total risk exposure amount for position, foreign exchange and commodities risks Risk exposure amount for position, foreign exchange and commodities risks under standardised approaches (SA) Traded debt instruments Equity Foreign Exchange Commodities Risk exposure amount for Position, foreign exchange and commodities risks under internal models (IM) 3,260,440 432,691 38,883 393,807 2,827,750 376 Rabobank Annual Report 2015

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 377