Other information Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Statutory provisions Profit can be used under an Executive Board resolution to pay distributions on equity investments and distributions on additional tier 1 instruments. The remainder of the profit is added to the general reserves held by Rabobank. The Executive Board can also resolve to make payouts in the interim to holders of equity investments and the holders of additional tier 1 instruments from the profit and/or the result. While Rabobank still exists, the reserves cannot be distributed to the members, neither in full, nor in part. The Executive Board has the right to make a payout from the reserves on equity investments and/or additional tier 1 instruments. If the decision is taken at any time to dissolve Rabobank in order to have its business continued by another legal entity or organisation, the reserves will be transferred to said other legal entity or organisation. Proposals regarding the appropriation of available profit for Rabobank Of the profit of 908,1,196 is payable to the holders of Capital Securities and Rabobank Certificates in accordance with Executive Board resolutions. It is proposed that the remainder of the profit be added to the general reserve held by Rabobank. 292 Rabobank Annual Report 2015

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 293