Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Rabobank Group's ratios in millions of euros 2015 2014 Retained earnings 25,482 24,528 Expected dividends (126) (119) Rabobank Certificates 5,949 5,931 Part of non-controlling interests treated as qualifying capital 23 28 Reserves 224 365 Deductions (5,539) (5,248) Transition guidance 2,741 3,229 Common Equity Tier 1-capital 28,754 28,714 Capital Securities 1,488 Grandfathered instruments 6,373 7,283 Non-controlling interests 5 6 Deductions (76) (3) Transition guidance (1,492) (2,126) Tier 1 capital 35,052 33,874 Part of subordinated liabilities treated as qualifying capital 15,078 11,738 Non-controlling interests 6 8 Deductions (85) Transition guidance (596) (481) Qualifying capital 49,455 45,139 Risk-weighted assets 213,092 211,870 Common Equity Tier 1 ratio 13.5% 13.6% Tier 1 ratio 16.4% 16.0% Total capital ratio 23.2% 21.3% Equity capital ratio 14.7% 14.4% Effective 1 January 2014, the minimum required percentages are determined on the basis of CRD IV/CRR. For 2015, the qualifying capital, tier 1 capital and core capital remain subject to the minimum of 8%, 6% and 4.5% respectively.The legal buffers below are applicable as from 2016.These buffers will gradually increase until the year 2019. Rabobank is already allowing for these changes in its capital planning.The table below shows the minimum legal buffers based on the planned final situation under CRD IV/CRR. Minimum capital buffer CET1 Tier 1 Total capital Minimum 2015 4.5% 6.0% 8.0% Capital conservation buffer1 2016-2019 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Minimum capital conservation buffer 7.0% 8.5% 10.5% Countercyclical buffer1 2016-2019 0% - 2.5°/ 6 Systemic risk buffer1 2016-2019 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% The determination of the risk-weighted assets is based on separate methods for credit risk, operational risk and market risk.The risk-weighted assets are determined for credit risk purposes in many different ways. For most assets the risk weight is determined with reference to internal ratings and a number of characteristics specific to the asset concerned. For off- balance sheet items the balance sheet equivalent is calculated first on the basis of internal conversion factors. The resulting equivalent amounts are then also assigned risk-weightings. An Advanced Measurement Approach model is used to determine the amount with respect to the risk-weighted assets for operational risk. With the market risk approach, the general market risk is hedged, as well as the risk of open positions in foreign currencies, debt and equity instruments, as well as commodities. In the ratio's listed below account has been taken of the transitional CRR provisions. 1 These buffers will phase in during the years 2016-2019. The countercyclical buffer is capped at a maximum of 2.5%. In most countries, including the Netherlands, the countercyclical buffer for 2016 has been set at 0%. The deductions consist mostly of goodwill, other intangible fixed assets, deferred tax liabilities which depend on future profit, the IRB shortfall for credit risk adjustments and adjustments relating to cumulative profits due to changes in the bank's credit risk on instruments issued at market value (FVPL). In accordance with CRR, a number of deductions are adjusted in the 'Transition guidance', as these adjustments are set to be phased in after five years for the period 2014-2018. The 'Transition guidance' consists mainly of goodwill, other intangible non-current assets, deferred tax liabilities depending on future profits (i.e. non-temporary differences) and the IRB shortfall for credit risk adjustments. The additional tier 1 instruments issued by Rabobank prior to 2015 do not comply with the new CRR requirements.They will need 'grandfathering'.This means that these instruments will be phased out from the definition of solvency ratios, in line with the statutory requirements. 269 Notes to the financial statements of Rabobank

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 270