Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 in the fair value of derivatives are recognised in the profit and loss account. If the forecast transaction or the non-current liability results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, any deferred profits or losses included in equity are restated at the initial carrying amount (cost) of the asset or the liability. In all other cases, deferred amounts included in equity are taken to the statement of income and are classified as income or expenses in the periods in which the hedged non- current liability or the forecast transaction had an effect on the profit and loss account. Certain derivative contracts, although they are economic hedges in relation to the managed risk positions taken by Rabobank, do not qualify for hedge accounting under the specific IFRS rules and are therefore treated as derivatives held for trading purposes. As part of Rabobank's risk management, various risks, including interest rate and liquidity risks inherent in mortgage loans granted and savings deposits raised, that arise at local Rabobanks are transferred to Rabobank by means of inter company loans and derivatives.To hedge those risks, Rabobank enters into derivative financial transactions with external parties, applying hedge accounting in the consolidated financial statement. As a result of the transfers, those risks are presented in various forms in the statement of financial position of Rabobank. Combined, they represent the hedged item with respect to the hedge in the company financial statement for which hedge accounting is applied in conformity with Dutch Accounting Standard 290. 2.3.4 Trade liabilities Trade liabilities are mainly negative fair values of derivatives and delivery obligations that arise on the short selling of securities. Securities are sold short to realise gains from short-term price fluctuations.The securities needed to settle short sales are acquired through securities leasing and securities repurchasing agreements. Securities sold short are recognised at fair value on the reporting date. 2.4 Assets held for trading (trading portfolio) Financial assets held for trading are financial assets acquired with the objective of generating profit from short-term fluctuations in prices or traders'margins, or financial assets that form part of portfolios characterised by patterns of short-term profit participation. Financial assets held for trading are measured at fair value based on listed bid prices. All related comprehensive income is included under 'Net income from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss'. Interest earned on financial assets is recognised as interest income. Dividends received on financial assets held for trading are recognised as'Net income from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss'. All acquisitions and sales of financial assets held for trading which require delivery within a time limit prescribed under the regulations or in accordance with market conventions are accounted for on the transaction date. 2.5 Other financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value Rabobank makes use of the option to include certain financial assets (other than those held for trading) and certain liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets, including venture capital, and liabilities have been placed in this category by management upon initial recognition, if (any or all) of the following criteria are met: such a designation eliminates or substantially reduces any inconsistent treatment that would otherwise have arisen upon measurement of the assets or liabilities or recognition of profits or losses on the basis of different accounting policies; or the assets and liabilities belong to a group of financial assets and/or financial liabilities that are managed and assessed on the basis of their fair value in accordance with a documented risk management or investment strategy; or the financial instrument contains an embedded derivative financial instrument, unless the embedded derivative financial instrument does not significantly affect the cash flows or if it is evident that separate recognition is not required. Interest earned on assets with this classification is recognised as interest income and interest due on liabilities with this classification is recognised as interest expense. Any other realised and unrealised gains and losses on the revaluation of these financial instruments at fair value are included under 'Income from other financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss'. All purchases and sales of other financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value and which have to be delivered within a period prescribed by regulations or market convention are recognised on the transaction date. 2.6 Day 1 profit If, at the time a financial instrument is entered into, valuation methods are used at fair value, a discrepancy may arise between the transaction price and the fair value. Such a discrepancy is referred to as 'day 1 profit'. Rabobank immediately accounts for this profit under 'Net income from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss', if the valuation method is based on observable inputs (of active markets). 261 Notes to the financial statements of Rabobank

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 262