- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Non-consolidated structured entities Non-consolidated structured entities refers to all structured entities over which Rabobank has no control. These interests are comprised mainly of debt securities in a securitisation vehicle, including RMBS, ABS and CDO and private equity interests. The amount of these debt securities is almost always limited when compared to the vehicle's total assets. The following table shows the nature and risks of Rabobank's interests in non-consolidated structured entities.The maximum exposure to loss in respect of the interests in non-consolidated structured entities is 3,028 (2014: 4,153), which also includes contingent liabilities. in millions of euros On 31 December 2015 On 31 December 2014 Assets recognised by Rabobank Securitisations Other Total Securitisations Other Total Financial assets held for trading 1 100 101 30 107 137 Financial assets designated at fair value 255 72 327 377 45 422 Derivatives 463 463 622 622 Loans and advances to customers 1,011 1,011 1,363 1,363 Available-for-sale financial assets 670 61 731 722 75 797 Investments in associates 395 395 600 600 Total financial assets recognised by Rabobank 2,400 628 3,028 3,114 827 3,941 Liabilities recognised by Rabobank Derivatives 3 3 86 86 Due to customers 393 393 610 610 Total liabilities recognised by Rabobank 396 396 696 696 Income from sponsored, non-consolidated structured entities in which Rabobank holds no interest: in millions of euros Fee and commission income Interest income Other results Total income Carrying amount of transferred assets On 31 December 2015 Securitisations 1 46 64 111 Asset management - Total 1 46 64 111 On 31 December 2014 Securitisations 3 34 618 655 Asset management 35 (46) (11) Total 3 69 572 644 244 Rabobank Annual Report 2015

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 245