- - - - - - - - - - - Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 these assets can be used to borrow from central banks, used in repo transactions or in order to sell directly in the market in order to immediately generate liquidities. The size of the liquidity buffer is related to the risk to which Rabobank is exposed through its balance sheet. Rabobank Group has internally securitiseda portion of its loan portfolio which means it can be pledged from the central bank and therefore serves as an additional liquidity buffer. Since this concerns internal securitisations, solely for liquidity purposes, they are not visible in the economic balance sheet but are included in the available liquidity buffer. The third pillar entails the restriction of liquidity risk through a prudent funding policy aimed at meeting the financing requirements of the group's units at acceptable cost. Diversification of sources of funding and currencies, flexibility of the funding instruments applied and a hands-on investor relations approach are key factors.This prevents Rabobank Group from being overly dependent on a single source of funding. Furthermore, scenario analyses are performed each month to calculate the possible consequences of a wide range of stress scenarios. Not only market-specific scenarios, but also Rabobank-specific, as well as a combination of these scenarios, are analysed. Monthly reports on the liquidity position of the Group as a whole are submitted to the Dutch Central Bank. These reports are prepared in accordance with the guidelines drawn up by this supervisory authority. The table below shows the non-discounted liabilities of Rabobank grouped according to the remaining liquidity period between the reporting date and the expected contract repayment date.The total amounts do not correspond exactly with the amounts in the consolidated statement of financial position because this table is based on non-discounted cash flows related to both principal and future interest payments. 'Derivatives and other trade liabilities'have not been analysed on the basis of the contractual due date, because they are not essential for the management of liquidity risk and for reporting to the Rabobank management. Contract repayment date in millions of euros On demand Less than 3 months 3 months to 1 year 7 -5 years Longer than 5 years Total On 31 December 2015 Liabilities Due to banks 2,911 9,465 2,521 3,492 795 19,184 Due to customers 245,973 46,182 12,534 13,290 23,848 341,827 Debt securities in issue 117 32,480 48,941 67,701 40,518 189,757 Other liabilities (excluding employee benefits) 1,471 3,467 1,088 614 48 6,688 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 59 615 2,434 4,696 21,088 28,892 Subordinated liabilities 50 10 2,435 21,524 24,019 Total financial liabilities 250,531 92,259 67,528 92,228 107,821 610,367 Financial guarantees 10,402 10,402 in millions of euros On demand Less than 3 months 3 months to 1 year 7 - 5 years Longer than 5 years Total On 31 December 2014 Liabilities Due to banks 2,480 8,777 1,270 5,015 666 18,208 Due to customers 238,695 44,500 9,987 15,138 23,079 331,399 Debt securities in issue 229 32,350 59,775 67,318 44,938 204,610 Other liabilities (excluding employee benefits) 1,543 4,878 712 811 22 7,966 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 38 684 1,523 5,624 23,553 31,422 Subordinated liabilities 3 1,382 15,340 16,725 Total financial liabilities 242,985 91,189 73,270 95,288 107,598 610,330 Financial guarantees 11,826 11,826 201 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 202