Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Governance dialogue After an intensive internal dialogue, Rabobank has decided to change its cooperative structure. As of 1 January 2016, Rabobank operates with one single banking licence and will only issue one set of financial statements. For years, Rabobank's organisation was based on a so-called two-tiered cooperative structure. It consisted of independent local cooperative Rabobanks, each with its own banking licence and set of financial statements; they were the members of the central cooperative Rabobank Nederland. In this structure, Rabobank acted as a service centre for the local Rabobanks but was also responsible for the delegated supervision of the local Rabobanks. The (financial) world underwent dramatic and rapid changes in the few last years, comprising developments in the economy, customer expectations, financial markets and supervision. Furthermore, the ambitions of Rabobank have also evolved. In order to ensure that Rabobank will be able to sustainably substantiate its mission in the (near) future, a remodelling of the operational management (governance) proved to be necessary. The discussions on matters of governance started in March 2014. A committee of chairmen of local management teams, supervisory directors of local Rabobanks and Executive Board members were assigned the task of issuing advice on the new governance of Rabobank. Our objective was to create a governance model that contributes to restoring the confidence of customers, members, employees, supervisors and other stakeholders. After an extensive internal debate in spring 2015, the Central Delegates Assembly approved the proposal for new governance. In September, a positive opinion on the articles of association and rules of procedure of the new governance was issued. On 2 December, the 106 local Members Councils unanimously decided in favour of the merger, which was necessary for the new governance. A week later, the General Meeting of Rabobank Nederland adopted the proposal to merge and amend of the articles of association, and thus the new structure. In the new cooperative structure, all the local Rabobanks and Rabobank Nederland work together as one cooperative, with one single banking licence and one set of financial statements. In doing so, the bank seeks to invigorate both its cooperative identity and its banking business.The new structure enables Rabobank to anticipate future legislation and regulations and to respond to future developments more effectively and efficiently. In the new cooperative structure, members have more influence and control. The Members Council of local Rabobanks will become, to a greater extent, a sounding board for the local management teams regarding the services and the socially responsible activities of the bank. Their influence and control will also extend to Rabobank Group as a whole, as each local Rabobank will have direct representation on behalf of their members in the highest body of the cooperative, the General Members Council.This council approves strategies, approves the main points of the annual budget, issues opinions on large acquisitions or alliances and appoints the members of the Supervisory Board. The local Rabobanks are and will remain the heart of the cooperative. The new structure gives them more influence, which will allow local Rabobanks to further sharpen their focus on the customer and their personal situation in the future. Furthermore, the bank will be making an increasingly significant contribution to local communities by sharing knowledge and networks, and through sponsoring and the cooperative fund. 15 Strategy

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 16