Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 internal accountants without the presence of the Executive Board. Recommendations were also put forward for improving management reporting. Some representatives on the Audit Committee were in a temporary committee which, within the scope of mandatory rotation, was responsible for the preparation of the selection procedure for the new external accountant. After going through a thorough and precise selection procedure, the General Meeting, in conformance with the proposal from the Supervisory Board, appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. (PwC) as the external accountant of Rabobank for a period of four years for the book years 2016 up to and including 2019. The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that the internal auditor, Audit Rabobank, has sufficient resources at its disposal to adequately perform its duties. Members: Leo Graafsma, Chairman Leo Degle, Vice Chairman Irene Asscher-Vonk Henk van Dalen, Chairman (temporarily stepped down on 6 November 2015) Wout Dekker Erik van de Merwe Ron Teerlink (ad interim as of 6 November2015 to replace Mr Van Dalen) Marjan Trompetter (as of23 September2015) Risk Committee The Risk Committee helps the Supervisory Board prepare for its decision making in relation to its supervision of the Executive Board with regard to its risk policy, risk management and the associated risk profile. This includes the operation of the product approval process and the risks relating to the remuneration structure of Rabobank Group.The Risk Committee also discusses the financing structure, the policy on capital adequacy and capital allocation, and the liquidity and funding in the short and long terms in light of corporate strategy and the defined risk policy. In 2015, the Risk Committee considered all the aforementioned themes. The Risk Committee studied periodic reports regarding integrated risk, as well as reports about specific risks like credit risk, market risk, model risk, operational risk and interest rate scenarios. At the request of the Risk Committee, special attention was paid to several markets and sectors. In addition, the Risk Committee concentrated on the situation in the financial markets and the development of the rating, the Capital Management Framework, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) and Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP).The Risk Committee advised favourably on the Funding and Capital Mandate 2016.The Risk Committee carried out preparatory work on behalf of the Supervisory Board with regard to the approval of the adapted Group Risk Appetite Statement and also discussed the top risks Rabobank faces. The Risk Committee, or the complete Supervisory Board, was frequently informed about the progress of the 'Data Quality' project. Finally, the Risk Committee also focused its attention on, among other things, the functioning of the Regulatory Oversight Committee in the USA, the result of some on-site assessments by the ECB/DNB and the recovery and resolution plans of Rabobank. Members: Erik van de Merwe, Chairman Leo Degle, Vice Chairman Wout Dekker Leo Graafsma Ron Teerlink Cees Veerman (until 7March 2015) Cooperative Issues Committee The Cooperative Issues Committee (CIC) helps the Supervisory Board prepare for its decision making in relation to the Executive Board's policy plans for cooperative affairs affecting Rabobank.The CIC also makes preparations forthe Supervisory Board's discussion of policy documents involving corporate social responsibility (CSR). In 2015, the CIC talked in-depth on various occasions about themes linked to the new cooperative governance structure and the Strategic Framework 2016-2020, such as Banking for the Netherlands, Banking for Food and strengthening the meaningful cooperative.The CIC also discussed the paragraphs on sustainability in various reports and from the Annual Report. Attention was also paid to the activities of Rabo Development and the Rabobank Foundation. Additional discussions also took place on diversity, improvements to the management of client feedback, the rules for reporting internal complaints and 'Values Week', during which the Supervisory Board signed a complementary declaration to the banker's oath within the framework of the introduction of disciplinary rules. 166 Rabobank Annual Report 2015

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 167