Remuneration At Rabobank, remuneration means much more than just payment. In addition to salary and a set of employment conditions aligned with responsibilities and performance, each employee is given ample room for personal growth and developing their talents. Rabobank is also an organisation that fosters personal accountability in an inspiring working environment, where employees are encouraged to collaborate and give each other feedback. Furthermore, we are committed to current issues and concerns in our society, both as an organisation and as an employer of individuals who want to make a difference. Within the legislation and regulations framework, Rabobank navigates its own, comparatively moderate, strategy in determining remunerations. Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Over the past few years, Rabobank has implemented various retrenchment measures in the remuneration policy, bringing remuneration levels in the bank's Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) further in line with general market levels in the Netherlands. For example, no inflation adjustment or other increase in the remuneration package has been applied for the Executive Board members or other executives since 2008, no employee pay rises were allowed between 2012 and 2016, and career growth percentages were reduced in 2013. Also in 2013, variable pay was discontinued for all employees subject to the Rabobank CLA as well as the Executive Board. In 2014, variable pay for executives (the layers immediately below the Executive Board) was likewise eliminated, as were employee discounts for insurance and consumer financing in the banking domain in the Netherlands, while employee discounts for mortgage loans were scaled back as of 2015. Austerity measures will continue to be applied to our employment conditions in 2016 and the years that follow. Remuneration policy Within the framework of Rabobank's Vision on Remuneration and Group Remuneration Policy, several entities pursue a remuneration policy of their own.The Rabobank CLA serves as remuneration policy for most employees within Rabobank Group. However, there is a separate remuneration package for the Executive Board and other executives, and DLL and Rabo Real Estate Group have each adopted remuneration policies of their own. A separate CLA is in place for most employees of Rabo Real Estate Group. Remuneration policies for Wholesale, Rural Retail (WRR), DLL and Rabo Real Estate Group entities located outside the Netherlands are partly based on local legislation and regulations, and market conditions. Vision on Remuneration The remuneration policy's basic principles are laid out in Vision on Remuneration.The policy is designed to promote fair and consistent employee compensation, based on an effective position classification system. Variable remuneration is no longer offered to most employees. In areas where Rabobank Group still awards variable remuneration, it has been maximised and guaranteed variable remuneration is not permitted. The annual performance appraisal and remuneration cycle is a stimulus for putting customer interests first and for acting in the interest of Rabobank's long-term continuity and financial strength. Setting and assessing result and competency targets is part of this cycle. An external benchmark is regularly used to compare the level of remuneration with that of the relevant market. In conducting this kind of study, Rabobank deliberately selects a benchmark - in principle, we aim to set our remuneration on or just shy of the median1 paid in the relevant market for comparable work. 1 This is the middle value. 101 Remuneration

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 102