Contents Management report Corporate governance Consolidated financial statements Financial statements Pillar 3 Rabobank is a frequent and flexible issuer of short-term debt securities and has seen a solid inflow of funds in the past years, reflecting its good creditworthiness. In the past year, the average remaining maturity of the short-term debt decreased by one day to 90 days (2014: 91 days). Additional contractual commitments in case of a rating downgrade In the event of a downgrade to Rabobank's credit rating, the bank could be required to provide additional collateral or be faced with an outflow of resources.The table below shows the potential maximum outflow if the rating of Rabobank is lowered by one, two or three notches. These outflows are based on rating triggers that will be hit in the event of a credit rating downgrade. In this table a split has been made between funding, derivatives and other instruments. Funding instruments include fixed- term deposits, bonds, loans and professional funding with rating triggers.Two important components within the funding category presented here are funding from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GIC) accounts. Derivative documentation can also contain rating triggers on Rabobank that could potentially result in additional liquidity risk for Rabobank. In some cases, a rating trigger may have been agreed on services provided to a client. For instance, a Letter of Credit or a guarantee on behalf of a client granted by Rabobank may sometimes contain a rating trigger.This means that, under certain circumstances, the beneficiary of this guarantee may request that the guaranteed sum be paid out if the Rabobank rating drops. In that case, Rabobank has direct claim on the customer for whom the guarantee was provided. This initial outflow is recognised under'Other'. Asset encumbrance edtf 19 In certain cases, assets on the bank's balance sheet are encumbered (encumbrance). An asset is considered 'encumbered' if it has been deposited or if it is part of an arrangement intended to provide hedging or additional security for a transaction. In that case, the asset requires permission for withdrawal. On 31 December 2015, EUR 631 (2014: EUR 55) billion of the total balance sheet assets was encumbered.Total assets include both on-balance assets and off-balance assets. Off-balance assets mean: collateral received in, mainly, secured funding transactions. The total encumbrance at the year-end 2015 was 9% (8%) of the total assets. The average encumbrance over 2015 was 8% (2014: 8%).The encumbered on-balance sheet items were mainly due to the clearing of derivatives positions and funding-related transactions, such as securitisations and asset backed commercial paper, for which loans are placed as collateral. Operational risk edtf 3i Rabobank defines operational risk as the risk of losses incurred as a result of inadequate or dysfunctional internal processes, people and systems, or as a result of external trends and developments. Potential legal risks and reputational risks are considered in the assessment and management of operational risk. In measuring and managing operational risks, Rabobank uses the most advanced Basel II approach, the Advanced Measurement Approach. Forthe management of operational risks, Rabobank follows the 'three lines of defence model'as prescribed by the EBA. The bank's operational risk policy is based on the principle that the primary responsibility for managing operational risk lies with the first line and that this must be integrated into the strategic and day-to-day decision-making processes. The purpose of operational risk management is to identify, measure, mitigate and monitor various types of operational risks.The risk quantification process supports the management responsible for prioritising the actions to be undertaken and the allocation of people and resources. Potential maximum outflow 31 -12-2015 in millions of euros Funding Derivatives Other Total Rating downgrade: 0 notch 57 97 154 1 notch 1,285 78 482 1,845 2 notch 488 1,153 3,078 4,719 3 notch 1,939 839 451 3,229 Total in case of three notches 3,769 2,070 4,108 9,947 1 In conformity with the EBA asset encumbrance definition 99 Risk management

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 100