governance model also guarantees effective member influence. The members of local Rabobanks have important powers under the Articles of Association through their banks' Members council and General Meeting, for instance. An active and open dialogue with customers and members via the Members Council and several panels helps to stay attuned to the members' needs and keep a connection with the local service areas. Local board of directors Every local Rabobank has a local board of directors consisting of banking professionals, who collectively conduct the bank's management. The local board of directors is appointed by the local Supervisory Board, subject to the approval of Rabobank Nederland. The local board of directors operates under the supervision of the local Supervisory Board. The local board of directors has a balanced composition in order to make its management more effective based on complementarity. Supervisory Board The members of the local Supervisory Board are nominated by the local Supervisory Board and appointed by the Members Council, subject to the approval of Rabobank Nederland. One of the duties of the local Supervisory Board is to supervise the local Rabobank. This includes the local board of directors' policies and the general conduct of business at the cooperative and its operations. Key management decisions are subject to the approval of the local Supervisory Board.The local Supervisory Board also monitors compliance with internal and external rules and regulations. The local Supervisory Board is responsible for appointing, evaluating, suspending and removing the members of the local board of directors. Finally, the local Supervisory Board and local board of directors of the local Rabobankjointly represent the local Rabobank as member of Rabobank Nederland in the Regional Delegates Assembly. The local Supervisory Board is comprised of people with a variety of experience, competencies and backgrounds. This ensures that checks and balances are maintained and creates a sound balance between banking professionals and professionals from other backgrounds. Rabobank Nederland offers local supervisory directors a continuous professional education programme that allows them to improve their knowledge of the organisation, maintain their professionalism and share their experiences. Local Supervisory Boards are accountable to the Members Council for their supervision of the local board of directors' management. Members council Customers can become involved in their local Rabobank by becoming a member.This gives them influence and control over the future of their local Rabobank. The members represent the customers. They are familiar with the members'and customers'wishes and considerations, and know all about the local service area and (local) public opinion. Each local Rabobank has a Members Council, which is meant to provide a firm and structural footing for member control and member influence. A Members Council is a delegation of 30 to 50 members elected by the members from their ranks. As such it is a cross-section of the local service area. The local board of directors asks the Members Council to assess its policies in order to tailor its service offering as much as possible.The Members Council influences and monitors the direction of the local Rabobank and forms the link towards the bank's broad member base. Corporate governance

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2014 | | pagina 134