Cooperative and governance I 1 10 million clients 129 local Rabobanks Rabobank Nederland Rabobank International Subsidiaries and associates The cooperative model is the foundation under the Rabobank organisation. Almost two million clients in the Netherlands are members of their local Rabobank. Members can voice their views and participate in decision-making on the policy of the local Rabobank via a Members council, thereby ensuring that the local Rabobanks remain in touch with the community of which they are part. 'Cooperative banking' is based on four focus areas that are connected with the financial products and services of Rabobank: a long-term relationship, commitment to a better world, participation and solidity.These focus areas have been incorporated in the principles of cooperative customer service adopted in the Central Delegates Assembly in 2013. 1.9 million members 722 branches A detailed description of Rabobank and its business model is available on the corporate website. Situation at 31 December 2013 - Staff - Wholesale banking - Support of local Rabobanks - Rural retail banking - Wholesale - Direct banking - Group Finance - Rabo Development Payment transactions Leasing Partner banks - MyOrder (80%) - De Lage Landen (Athlon, Freo) - Banco Terra (45%) - Banco Regional (40%) Mortgages Real estate - BPR (35%) - Obvion - Bouwfonds Property Development - NMB (35%) - MAB Development - Zanaco (46%) Insurance - FGH Bank - URCB (9%) - Achmea (29%, Interpolis) - Bouwfonds Investment Management - Banco Sicredi (19%) - Fondsenbeheer Nederland - FDCU (28%) Wholesale - Rembrandt (51%) Asset management International retail - Paris Orléans(4%) - Robeco (10%) - ACCBank - Schretlen Co - Bank BGZ (99%) 22 Annual Report 2013 Rabobank Group

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2013 | | pagina 23