The Committee also assessed the social acceptance of the variable remuneration for the Executive Board and the senior management.The Remuneration Committee advised the Supervisory Board on proposals for material exceptions to the Group Remuneration Policy. The Remuneration Committee was consulted on financial sanctions for employees involved in grave inadmissible conduct in connection with Libor. Members: Appeals Committee M.J.M.Tielen, Chairman The Appeals Committee acts as an advisory appellate body in disputes between local (until20June2013) Rabobanks or between one or more local Rabobanks and Rabobank Nederland. No disputes I.P. Asscher-Vonk, Deputy Chairman were referred to the Appeals Committee in 2013. S.L.J. Graafsma A. de Bruijn (until20June2013) Conclusion The year 2013 was very eventful for all of us. The Supervisory Board wishes to thank all employees for the commitment they showed and results they achieved in 2013 and will continue to do its utmost in 2014 to regain the trust of all stakeholders in Rabobank. Utrecht, 24 February 2014 The Supervisory Board 139 Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2013 | | pagina 140