The Monitoring Committees report to the Monitoring Committee Rabobank Group, which is comprised of the directors of HR Rabobank, the Supervisory Directorate, Control Rabobank Group and Group Risk Management. The Monitoring Committee Rabobank Group advises the Supervisory Board. The internal audit function does not form part of the Monitoring Committee Rabobank Group, but rather conducts periodic, independent studies into the design, implementation and impact of the Group Remuneration Policy in all entities of Rabobank Group. If, in any of the business units or subsidiaries, there is a conflict between the Group Remuneration Policy and local legislation and regulations or local marketing and practices, departures from the Group Remuneration Policy may be permitted by the Rabobank Nederland Supervisory Board. In such an event, it is important to ensure that any risk associated with such exceptions is sufficiently mitigated, that the basic principles set out in the Vision on Remuneration and the Group Remuneration Policy are not undermined, and that no applicable laws and regulations are violated. Developments Rabobank closely monitors any changes relating to the remuneration policy, both within the financial sector and beyond. The bank supports the current Dutch trend of reducing the use of variable pay as much as possible, while at the same time pointing out that, in order to ensure professional customer services, a limited number of exceptions must remain available in orderto be able to attract or retain the calibre of employees required. In implementing its remuneration policy, Rabobank considers the long-term interests of its customers, along with the stability of the bank itself. In view of its competitive position in the labour market, the bank must pay competitive salaries, both in the Netherlands and internationally. There is a risk that Dutch banks will be insufficiently able to attract and/or retain a specific type of highly qualified and talented financial specialists, namely a select number of experts who move smoothly between countries and industries. Rabobank applies a different remuneration ratio for these specialists, based on the straightforward requirement that an adequate monitoring system is in place both internally and externally, particularly in regard to - in exceptional cases - higher variable remuneration. Executive Board The remuneration packages of the members of the Executive Board are divided into fixed pay, pension entitlements, and a management supplement that serves as a fixed reimbursement of expenses. The members of the Executive Board ceased to be eligible for variable pay in 2013. This element has been eliminated from the policy without compensating for it with an amount in fixed pay. In eliminating variable remuneration, Rabobank has demonstrated itself to be sensitive to public criticism of this type of pay.The senior management supplement was previously eliminated for the Executive Board at the end of 2012. Board members were compensated for the elimination of this supplement on a one-time basis in 2012, i.e. this has not resulted in a permanent increase in their fixed pay.The Executive Board does not receive any long-term incentives or similar benefits. As with other employees, salary scales have been set for the Executive Board including minimum and maximum amounts. These are as follows. in euros Minimum Maximum Chairman of the Executive Board 923,500 1,154,400 Members of the Executive Board 707,200 884,000 Employees

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2013 | | pagina 104