Market risk Value at Risk Senior unsecured funding by currency Dutch Central Bank's guidelines on liquidity, our liquidity position qualifies as comfortable, and our liquidity buffer as sizable, with available liquidity exceeding the requirement by 44% on average. Long-term funding activities were also successful. During the year under review, Rabobank Group managed to issue EUR 29 billion in unsecured long-term bonds in 17 different currencies. By operating on a global scale in this regard, the bank avoids becoming too reliant on a single source of finance. Equity was shored up by issuing hybrid equity instruments for a total of EUR 2.8 billion. Investor relations Rabobank attaches great importance to high-quality, transparent communication with institutional investors and other financiers and providers of capital, and rating agencies. The Investor Relations department is responsible for supplying and explaining all relevant information requested by investors and so to contribute to raising the required funding for Rabobank Group. On a global level, institutional investors and other financiers and providers of capital are informed of financial developments at Rabobank Group, including via the corporate website ( Activities in this area were stepped up over the past few years because today, more than ever before, investors want to be certain that Rabobank continues to have a low risk profile. The fact that our efforts in this regard are paying off was reflected in our being awarded the Best Company Award 2012 by the Netherlands Investor Relations Society (NEVIR). Market risk relates to changes in the value of the trading portfolio caused by movements in market prices affecting interest rates, equities, credit spreads, currencies and commodities, among other things. Rabobank International and Robeco incur the most market risk within Rabobank Group. An appropriate system of limits has been developed to manage market risk. The Executive Board determines Rabobank Group's risk appetite and the related limits on an annual basis. These limits are then transposed into limits at book level and monitored on a daily basis by the market risk departments of Rabobank International and Robeco. At a consolidated level, market risk is measured using Value at Risk (VaR) and event risk. Value at Risk, which is based on historical market developments for one year, indicates the maximum loss that Rabobank Group can suffer, subject to a specific confidence level, under'normal' market conditions. In order to weigh the risk of'abnormal'market conditions too, the effects of certain extreme events are also measured (event risk). To this end, historical scenarios as well as hypothetical scenarios are analysed. Sensitivity analyses are also used. In 2012, Value at Risk fluctuated between EUR 7.6 million and EUR 20.6 million, the average being EUR 11.6 million. During the year under review, this figure stayed well within the set limit, which was EUR 40 million at year end. As a result, a maximum loss of EUR 21 million can be expected on a single day under normal circumstances, subject to a confidence level of 97.5%. Under this method, Value at Risk is calculated on the basis of historical market trends and the positions taken. The fluctuations in Value at Risk during 2012 were attributable to market developments and changes in positions. in millions of euros 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 60 Annual Report 2012 Rabobank Group at year-end 2012, in O 16 Euro 10 US dollar Japanese yen Australian dollar m Pound Sterling 21 Other

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2012 | | pagina 61