Treating Customers Fairly As a cooperative, Rabobank's principal starting point for the services it provides is the interests of customers. It is Rabobank's ambition to provide customers with the best possible service and treat them with the greatest possible care, putting their interests first. This is enshrined in Rabobank's code of conduct, mission statement and cooperative structure. To underscore its ambition of providing clients with the best possible service, Rabobank launched Customer Care, an internal programme, in 2008. In 2010, Rabobank formulated four clear deliverables: good products, appropriate advice, service excellence, and a balanced advisory model. This framework will be evaluated and revised in 2013. Rabobank framework for Treating Customers Fairly Rabobank uses performance indicators so that activities related to these deliverables and policy principles can, insofar as possible, be measured and embedded in management information. Continuous customer surveys on the deliverables form an important source of information for monitoring and adjustment purposes. In 2012, activities and improvements in the area of customer focus were reported on a quarterly basis for each department. At local Rabobank level, management information on matters such as customer satisfaction and the quality of advice provided by that bank are made available to each Management Team. This is done with the aim of making customer opinion regarding service quality an integral part of the organisation's decision-making and management. A number of improvements were made during the year under review to ensure an even greater focus on customer interests. Good products Appropriate advice Service excellence Balanced advisory model Rabobank only develops and sells products and services that are able to meet the needs of clients for whom our products and services are intended. Rabobank provides clients with clear information on products and Rabobank ensures that advice is properly I suited to the knowledge, experience, financial position, objective and risk appetite of each client. Rabobank is a reliable long-term financial I partner for clients, and provides customer care that is appropriate given the nature of the client, the services provided and the product. Rabobank provides services that meet the needs of clients. Rabobank makes efforts to educate clients about financial products and services. Rabobank has a balanced advisory model, which does not contain any incentives that lead to unnecessary sales. 28 Annual Report 2012 Rabobank Group

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2012 | | pagina 29