ICT Sustainable mobility In 2011ten local Rabobanks started to use electronic commercial vehicles for transport related to their technical support services. Athlon, the car lease business, delivered its first fully electric commercial vehicles (Renault Kangoos). The uses to which computers can be put keeps on increasing, and this has led to an increased demand for ICT tools, as well as higher energy consumption, in our operations. In order to deal with this situation appropriately, it has been decided that the relative energy consumption of ICT is to be cut by 50% compared to 2008 by 2013. As part of this, further gains in efficiency were made in 2011 by making our data centres more sustainable, and the energy efficiency increased by 12.5% compared with 2010. An internal campaign encouraging employees to part with old telephones so that they could be re-used led to the donation of more than 3,400 telephones. It also resulted in an additional donation of over EUR 10,000 being made to WWF. In 2011, Rabobankjoined the Green Software knowledge network. The network works with government authorities and the business community to encourage the development of more efficient software, which requires less hardware and therefore saves energy and money. Rabobank will investigate the impact of green software in its own ICT applications in 2012. Organic catering In 2011, organic products accounted for over 70% of the range of catering products at Rabobank Nederland. 63 Strategic Framework Sound sustainability policy

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2011 | | pagina 64