Central CSR themes and CSR policies Rabobank core I Food Agribusiness I CSR central themes I Supply chain values I Principles I I policies 1 Respect 2 Integrity 3 Professionalism 4 Sustainability Signed covenants include: UN Global Compact Adequate and safe production of food Responsible use of natural Role in helping public and clients to make well- considered choices 1 Human rights 2 Environment 3 Animal welfare 4 Integrity 5 Consumer interests Aquaculture Fishing Forestry Mining Oil and gas UNEP Statement Equator Principles Responsible animal husbandry Soy Sugarcane OECD Guidelines Promoting social welfare Exclusion policy Based on Rabobank's cooperative beliefs and strategic ambition, four core values have been formulated. These are respect, integrity, professionalism and sustainability. It is important to Rabobank that clients can recognise their bank in these core values. They form the foundations of the group-wide code of conduct and the basis for the actions of Rabobank's employees. In addition, Rabobank Group subscribes to a range of internal and external codes on general service provision principles, including guidelines issued by the United Nations, the OECD, the International Chamber of Commerce and the International Labour Organisation. For a list of these guidelines and principles, please log on to www.rabobank.com/csr/policy/codes_and_ guidelines/. Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) Rabobank's ambition of becoming one of the most sustainable financial institutions in the world will again be the subject of a review by a rating agency again in 2012. The four central themes of the Rabobank CSR policy are 1) working towards delivering a secure and sustainable food supply chain; 2) innovating production methods and encouraging the efficient use of renewable energy; 3) promoting equal opportunities and economic participation; and 4) encouraging local cohesion and partnerships both in and outside the Netherlands. Within Rabobank, this ambition has been transposed into a number of key performance indicators (KPIs): 1helping clients move towards sustainable business operations; 2. helping clients make responsible investments; 3. supporting community partnerships; and 4. providing climate-neutral and energy-efficient services. These KPIs serve as the starting point for each unit's CSR policy. The extent to which CSR objectives have been achieved is reported to the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board on a quarterly basis. The KPIs relate to the bank's core business and the support provided to our clients. Each of the units in our Group implements them in its own appropriate way. The KPIs therefore serve more as a source of inspiration than as a task-setting framework. This makes it difficult to set measurable targets at group level, although it is possible to determine at an indirect level whether any progress has been made with the indicators, for example whether clients are satisfied with our sustainable, cooperative services, how stable we are as a financial institution, and how transparent our CSR policy is. 56 Annual Report 2011 Rabobank Group

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2011 | | pagina 57