Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland In 2009, Rabobank did not escape the effects of the global economic turn down following the crisis in the financial markets. This was reflected in a lower net profit than in 2008. Thanks to its well-tried cooperative gover nance characterised by strict checks and balances, Rabobank succeeds in maintaining its sound financial position and provides a safe haven for its members and clients, even in adverse conditions. Proposal to the General Meeting In compliance with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of Rabobank Nederland, the Supervisory Board has reviewed the annual report and the financial statements for 2009 of Rabobank Nederland, of Rabobank Group, and the additional information. This review included discussions with the Executive Board, the internal auditors and the external auditors Ernst Young Accountants LLP, and the Supervisory Board took note of the auditor's report of Ernst Young Accountants LLP to the financial statements for 2009. The Supervisory Board proposes that the General Meeting of Rabobank Nederland adopt the financial statements for 2009. Corporate governance The three pillars of governance at Rabobank Nederland are decisive management, effective member influence and strong and independent supervision. Corporate governance at Rabobank Nederland, compliance with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code and the preparations being made for compliance with the Banking Code are discussed in the section Corporate Governance of this Annual Report. That section also describes the Supervisory Board's terms of reference and its role in Rabobank Nederland's governance structure. The Supervisory Board endorses the contents of that section. Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland Composition Information on the membership of the Supervisory Board is included in the Management section of this Annual Report. Please refer to the website for the Supervisory Board's profile. Remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board In 2009, the remuneration of the members and former members of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland totalled EUR 1.6 (1.6) million. Appointments and reappointments Appointments and reappointments to the Supervisory Board are made by the General Meeting at the recommendation of the Supervisory Board, having consulted the Central Delegates Assembly. On 18 June 2009, the General Meeting of Rabobank Nederland resolved to reappoint Mr Koopmans and MrTielen to the Supervisory Board, each for a four-year term. Mr Berndsen was also due for retirement by rotation in 2009 and decided not to stand for re-election. The Supervisory Board is grateful for his highly valued contribution to the Supervisory Board's performance over the past years. The General Meeting resolved to appoint Ms LP. Asscher-Vonk and Mr A. de Bruijn to the Supervisory Board, each for a four-year term. Ms Asscher's candidacy was at the recommendation of Rabobank Nederland's Works Council and Mr De Bruijn's 71 Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2009 | | pagina 72