Membership of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland Directors and Chairmen Membership of the Supervisory Board12 Year of first End of current Name Function appointment term (L.)Chairman200220.1.3.. Antoon. Vermeer (AJ.A.M.)Deputy.Chairman20022010.. Sjoerd Eisma (S.E.) Secretary 2002 (199813)2010 Martin TielentMJ.M.)Deputy.Secretary200220.1.3.. Irene Asscher-Vonk {I.P.)Member200920.1.3.. Bernard Bijvoet (B.)Member20022012 Tom de Bruijn (A.)Member20092013 Louise. Fresco. (L.O.)Member20062010 Rinus Minderhout! (M.)Member2002 2011 Paul Overmans (P.r.M.)Member2005 2012 Herman Scheffer (H.C.)Member2002 {1998 2010.. Aad Veenrnan (A.W.)Member2002 (1998 2010 Cees Veerman (CLP.)Member20072011 Arnold Walravens (A.H.C.M.)Member20042011 The memberships of the committees of the Supervisory Board are stated in the Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland. 12 Members at 1 January 2010. Leo Berndsen (LJ.M.) was a member of the Supervisory Board until 30 June 2009 and retired on 1 July 2009. In 2010, Mr Eisma, Mr Scheffer and Mr Veenrnan are due for retirement by rotation. Having reached the maximum term, they are not eligible for reappointment. Ms Asscher-Vonk and Mr De Bruijn have been members of the Supervisory Board since 1 July 2009. 13 Year of first appointment to the Board of Supervisors of Rabobank Nederland. With the change in Rabobank Neder- land's corporate governance structure in 2002, the Board of Supervisors was renamed Supervisory Board. 14 As of 1 March 2010. Directors of Rabobank Nederland14 Jan Bos (JJ.) Ralf Dekker (RJ.) Paul Dirken (P.H.J.M.) Pieter Emmen (P.C.A.M.) Ab Gillhaus (AJ.) Rob Kemna (R.A.C.) Lex Kloosterman (A.M.) Harold Knebel (H.A.J.M.) Jos van Lange (J.H.P.M.) Hans van der Linden (J.A.M.) Bert Mertens (H.H.J.) Monika Milz (M.R.) Pim Mol (P.W.) Jan van Nieuwenhuizen (J.L.) Rik Op den Brouw (H.) Sander Pruijs (J.A.) Harry de Roo (J.H.) Rutger Schellens (R.V.C.) Ronald Slaats (R.A.M.) Rinus van der Struis (M.) Jan van Veenendaal (J.) Control Rabobank Group Rabobank International Corporates Group Risk Management Credit Risk Management Business Management Rabobank International Rabo Wielerploegen Rabo Real Estate Group Rabo Real Estate Group Cooperative Management Member Banks Communication Private Banking Rabobank International Private Clients Rabobank International Rabobank International Rabobank International De Lage Landen Group Audit Legal and Tax Affairs 69 Management

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2009 | | pagina 70