Board members of the local Rabobanks in their activities, Rabobank Nederland offers a broad package of learning programmes to local Supervisory Board members. Supervisory Board members receive a fee for their activities. General Meeting Within the Partnership model, there is a General Meeting that is made up of the cooperative's members. The powers of this General Meeting include resolutions on, inter alia, the appointment and dismissal of members of management (except the General Manager), appointments to the Supervisory Board, adopting the financial statements and the appropriation of profit. Member Council An increasing number of banks using the Partnership model have established a Member Council as well. The Member Council is a delegation of all members elected by the members from their ranks. The Member Council assumes the bulk of the powers of the General Meeting and promotes and structures member control and engagement. A Member Council has between 30 and 50 members and typically discusses such themes as the Bank's direction, distribution policy and customer services. The Member Council acts as an important discussion partner for Management in developing the Bank's strategic policy. Also, it takes upon itself a number of General Meeting duties, such as the adoption of the financial statements and appointments to the Supervisory Board. Furthermore, Member Councils are often involved in the selection of local projects that are eligible for cooperative dividend. Cooperative dividend comprises all the money and efforts invested in the improvement of the economic, social and cultural environment, including sustainability initiatives. Executive model Management In the Executive model, each local Rabobank has a Board of Directors comprising several persons from the banking profession, which is appointed by the Supervisory Board and operates under its supervision. In this model, no Board members are elected by the members from their ranks, as is the case in the Partnership model.The Board of Directors is accountable for the local Rabobank's management. Supervisory Board In common with banks using a Partnership model, banks with an Executive model have a Supervisory Board that supervises the policy of the Board of Directors. The duties and powers of this Supervisory Board are the same as those of the Supervisory Board in the Partnership model. General Meeting In the Executive model, the General Meeting decides only on major issues that impact the local Rabobank's continued existence, e.g. decisions on the cooperative's dissolution or the termination of its membership of Rabobank Nederland. Member Council Local Rabobanks using the Executive model always have a Member Council in order to firmly and permanently embed member influence and control in the structure.The Member Council's powers under the Executive model are identical to those of the Member Council in the Partnership model. Employee influence within Rabobank Group Rabobank attaches great value to consultations with the various employee representative bodies. Employee influence within Rabobank Group has been enabled at various levels. Issues concerning the business of Rabobank Nederland are handled by Rabobank Nederland's Works Council. Subsidiaries such as Robeco, De Lage Landen, Orbay and Rabo Real Estate Group each have their own Works Councils with consultative powers on matters concerning these enterprises. In addition, each local Rabobank has its own Works Council to discuss matters concerning that particular local Rabobank. The Group Works Council of Member Banks (GOR AB) is a cooperative-structure based employee representative body that represents 65 Corporate governance

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2009 | | pagina 66