Financial results of real estate Results (in millions of euros) EUR 1.7 billion, the gross loan portfolio increased by 5% to EUR 17.2 (16.5) billion. The net loan portfolio, after syndication, amounted to EUR 15.4 (14.6) billion. Investment financing made up the vast majority of the portfolio. Assets under management in real estate almost stable The credit crisis also had a visible impact on the real estate investment market.The number of transactions was down and demand for real estate investments declined in almost all sectors. At Bouwfonds REIM, assets under management were up 2%, rising to EUR 7.0 billion., sold Other information (in billions of euros) Loan portfolio Assets under management 2009 Interest Fees.and commission Other income Total income Staff costs Other administrative expenses Depreciation and.amortisation Operating, expenses Gross result Value adjustmen.ts Operating, profit, before taxation Taxation Profit.for. the.year. Rabo.Real Estate Group1' Non-controlling interest Net. profit. Rabo ReaI Estate.Group10 Other.results Net profit Real estate division 0 174. 46 233 453. 194, 121 323 130 22 108 27 81 -1.1 92 -24 68 2008 78 33 .348 459. 220. .131 12 363 96 96 .20 .76 -10 86 -62 .24 Change .3.9% -33% ...-.1.% -12% -33% -11% .35% .13% .35% 7% .7% 7,3.418,746 -1.6% 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-09 17.2 7.0. 16.5. 6.8 .5% 2% Number of employees (in TTEs) 1,549 1,743 -1.1% 10 The 'profit for the year Rabo Real Estate Group' and 'net profit Rabo Real Estate Group' items correspond with the financial results published by Rabo Real Estate Group itself. The 'net profit real estate division' item is inclusive of the amortisation and financing charges that were incurred due to the acquisition of Bouwfonds divisions and the harmoni- sation of accounting policies. Income down 1% During the year under review, total income at Rabo Real Estate Group fell by 1% to EUR 453 (459) million. Bouwfonds Property Development sold fewer homes, and a greater proportion was sold to housing associations and investors at a lower average margin. MAB Development also completed fewer properties.These developments contributed to the 33% decline in other income, which fell to EUR 233 (348) million. Interest income increased by EUR 96 million to EUR 174 (78) million, mainly as a result of yield curve trends and higher margins on new real estate loans and renewals. Although commission from issues fell owing to lower levels of activity at Bouwfonds REIM, total commissions rose by 39% to EUR 46 (33) million thanks to the fee received by FGH Bank in connection with the buy-back of debt securities. Operating expenses down 11% Given the deteriorating conditions in the market, Rabo Real Estate Group initiated a major cost-cutting programme in 2009. Although the immediate result of this step was a 12% fall in staff costs to EUR 194 (220) million, it also led to additional reorganisation expenses. Despite this, other administrative expenses were down 8% to EUR 121 (131) million. Total operating expenses declined compared to 2009, down 11% to EUR 323 (363) million, while the number of employees decreased by 11% to 1,549 (1,743) FTEs. 45 Real estate

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2009 | | pagina 46