Outlook and life insurance policies to both private and corporate clients. Interpolis is Rabobank's biggest supplier and the two enterprises collaborate closely on product and service innovation.The collaboration with Eureko continues to be a strategic pillar in the adjusted Strategic Framework. Rabobank largest Dutch insurance agent, high customer satisfaction at Interpolis In the Netherlands, the local Rabobanks are the largest insurance agent. At least one in five private Rabobank clients has insurance cover from Interpolis, and one in four among corporate clients. In 2008, Interpolis launched a new 'Glashelder' advertising campaign with 'Helder Moment' as the motto. Focusing on prevention, the campaign supports Interpolis'and Rabobank's aim to identify risks together with their clients, after which clients may take deliberate decisions as to what they wish to insure. This also prevents duplicate insurance. In addition, Interpolis wishes to distinguish itself in the event of a claim by truly solving the problem rather than just reimbursing the loss. The local Rabobanks and Interpolis aim for high customer satisfaction.To ensure high-quality and swift client service, the systems of local Rabobanks and Interpolis have been interlinked. Interpolis has been awarded high ratings for customer satisfaction, particularly for its speedy and accurate claims processing. In addition, it was presented with the'Customer Contact Award 2008'from the Customer Contact Magazine in recognition of its customer contacts organisation. Private clients In spite of fierce competition in the non-life insurance market, the number of Alles in één insurance policies sold by local Rabobanks increased by 2% in 2008, to reach 1,297,000 (1,272,000).The number of clients holding three or more sections in this policy increased from 52.6% to 54.4%. The number of motor and legal expenses insurance policies, as part of the Alles in één Polis policy, was up from 2007, whereas the demand for multi-trip travel insurance was lower. The'Partner Kind verzekeringen' insurance policies, which were introduced in 2007 as part of the Alles in één Polis policy, showed some growth. Non-life insurance policies are increasingly taken out through direct channels, such as telephone and the Internet. Client demand for investment-based insurance fell in 2008 as the debate on fee transparency of these products raged and the stock exchange sentiment dropped. The fall in the number of life insurance policies sold was also due to the launch of bank savings products by local Rabobanks. The number of clients holding Interpolis'ZorgActief Polis health insurance policy rose by 24%, to 150,000 (121,000), due in part to the fact that Rabobank members enjoy a premium discount. Another contributor was the introduction, in late 2008, of the StudentenZorgverzekering health insurance, a competitively priced policy that offers supplementary cover for students. Corporate clients Competition in the insurance market for the small and medium-sized enterprises segment was exceptionally fierce. Nevertheless, the number of Bedrijven Compact Polis policies sold by the local Rabobanks increased by 5%, to 195,000 (185,000). As part of the Rabo OndernemersPakket (Rabo Entrepreneur Package), business start-ups are granted a premium discount on Interpolis' most important insurance policies.This prompted more new businesses to purchase insurance products. A new insurance solution for small businesses was launched in 2008, named 'Interpolis ZekerVanJeZaak'. This package offers quick and comprehensive cover for all business risks, while clients receive their policies in digital format. Entrepreneurs can gather information about risks and insurance products through either a face-to-face advice meeting or via the Internet, Using online advice modules, calculations and scans, they can generate a quick and clear overview of their business risks. For example, the'RisicoScan Verzekeren' (Insurance Risk Scan) identifies the most frequent risks for 75 branches of industry and suggests measures that entrepreneurs can take to cover these. The Dutch insurance market is a mature market, and opportunities for growth are relatively limited. There is strong price competition in the non-life insurance market. Sales and services through direct channels, i.e. telephone and the Internet, are expected to grow even further.The life insurance market will remain under pressure because of the discussion on transparency and the availability of bank saving as an alternative. In its advice activities, Rabobank intends to focus more on bank saving products and will cease to offer life insurance products if comparable banking product are available. Rabobank plans to intensify its collaboration with Eureko in the area of insurance. Rabobank and Interpolis focus on offering innovative and transparent, high-quality products in order to maintain, and potentially strengthen, their market position. 54 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2008

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2008 | | pagina 55