1 Financial results I innovative environmental and sustainable energy technologies. Acquisitions by Rabo Ventures included an interest in the Dutch company Emergya Wind Technologies, the Econcern sustainable-energy company and Xunlight Corporation, in the United States. In addition, Rabobank participates in independent private-equity enterprises such as Langholm and in a number of Gilde funds. Growth in retail portfolio contributes to loan portfolio increase In the year under review, the private sector loan portfolio increased by 11% to EUR 100.7 (90.5) billion. This growth is partly from international retail banking. The appreciation of the US dollar was a contributor, but this was offset by the depreciation of the Lending by region at year-end 2008 America Europe excluding the Netherlands Netherlands Australia and New Zealand Asia Lending by sector in billions of euros Food &agri TIS Private individuals 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Australian dollar and the Pound Sterling. The loan portfolio to private individuals increased by 43% to EUR 5.5 (3.8) billion. Due in part to the consolidation of Bank BGZ, loans to the food agri sector were 22% higher, at EUR 34.4 (28.1 billion, representing 34% of the private loan portfolio. Loans to the trade, industry and services sector (TIS) increased by 4% to EUR 60.8 (58.5) billion. At year-end 2008,25% (24%) of the loan portfolio was from international retail banking. The volume of this portfolio increased by 15% to EUR 24.9 (21.6) billion. In Australia and New Zealand, the volume of retail loans was 5% lower, at EUR 8.4 (8.8) billion, as a result of the depreciation of these currencies by 17% and 21 respectively. In Europe, the volume of loans was 32% higher, at EUR 8.5 (6.5) billion, mainly as a result of the consolidation of Bank BGZ. At ACCBank, in Ireland, the loan portfolio decreased by 5% to EUR 6.2 (6.5) billion. The volume of the American retail portfolio increased by 27% to EUR 7.6 (6.0) billion. Income unchanged Total income was virtually stable in 2008, at EUR 1,997 (1,989) million. Although some units within Global Financial Markets performed well in the turbulent financial markets, income from this business entity decreased by EUR 413 million to EUR -145 (268) million. The item 'other income', which largely includes income from Global Financial Markets, fell by EUR 1,288 million to EUR -1,463 (-175) million. Leveraged Finance was likewise affected by the turbulence, albeit to a lesser degree, and its income was 1% lower. Structured Finance saw a 37% rise in income. Commission income was 8% lower, at EUR 304 (332) million, partly as a result of lower commission income from securities brokerage. The increase in spreads, the growth in lending in the international retail banking business, and the increased activities in Corporate Banking all contributed to the 72% rise in interest income, to EUR 3,156 (1,832) million. Income from Corporate Banking was 15% higher. Of total income, 43% (32%) is from international retail banking. Fiere, income increased by 34% to EUR 864 (646) million, partly as a result of the consolidation of Bank BGZ. As a result of worsened economic conditions in Ireland, ACCBank's income was lower.The retail banks in Australia and New Zealand performed well. Operating expenses unchanged In the year under review, total operating expenses were virtually unchanged from 2007, at EUR 1,708 (1,715) million. Almost all of the growth in staff numbers is due to the consolidation of Bank BGZ. The number of staff rose by 53% to 15,223 (9,957) FTEs. Partly as a result of a reduction of the bonuses however, staff costs increased by only 2%, to EUR 909 (890) million. The decrease in non-banking charges as a result of the sale of a few equity investments contributed to the 7% decrease in other 37 Report of the Executive Board

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2008 | | pagina 38