1 1 - Respect: Rabobank Group works with others on a basis of respect, appreciation and commitment. - Integrity: Rabobank Group aims to be fair, honest, careful and reliable in all its actions. - Professionalism: Rabobank Group serves its clients with high-quality knowledge and facilities. It strives to maintain that high quality - anticipating where possible on clients'future needs - and to offer its services in an efficient manner. - Sustainability: Rabobank Group aims to contribute to the sustainable development, both economically, socially and ecologically, of society. It achieves this through, among other things, the Rabobank Foundation, which is funded by Rabobank Group as a whole and helps disadvantaged groups, both at home and abroad, with the aim of giving them the perspective of becoming self-supporting. In addition, Rabo Development has been established with the aim of supporting, with both people and means, the development of partner banks in emerging countries. Based on these core values, Rabobank Group offers all the financial services needed by clients as they participate in an economy-driven modern society. Rabobank respects the culture and traditions of the countries where it operates without losing sight of its own objectives and values, and laws and regulations. Rabobank Group Situation at 1 January 2009 9.5 million clients 1.7 mi ion members 153 oca Rabobanks Rabobank Nederland Support of local Rabobanks Rabobank International Rabobank Group staff functions 1 Private individuals 1 Food&agri 1 Corporate Social Responsibility 1 Small medium-sized enterprises 1 Wholesale banking 1 Investor Relations 1 Private Banking 1 International retail banking 1 Long Term Funding 1 Other support units 1 Other staff units Asset management Leasing I Robeco I Schretlen Co I Sarasin I IRIS I Orbay I De Lage Landen - Athlon - Freo - Crediam I Rabo Real Estate Group - Bouwfonds Property Development - MAB Development - FGH Bank - Bouwfonds REIM -Fondsenbeheer Nederland I Eureko (39%) - Interpolis I Obvion I Moviq I Zoekallehuizen.nl I Bizner I Rembrandt F O The local Rabobanks and their members make up the core of the banking business. They are the cooperative's key stakeholders. Being the central (legal) entity, Rabobank Nederland is in the centre of the organisation chart. In the Netherlands, Rabobank Nederland facilitates the local Rabobanks, including the develop ment of new products and marketing support. It performs staff functions for the local Rabobanks and for Rabobank Group as a whole, including Shared Services Facilities, Group ICT and Cooperative Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor Relations, Long Term Funding, Human Resources, Legal and Tax Affairs, Knowledge Economic Research and Communications. Finally, Rabobank International, with its expertise, serves a large number of corporate and retail clients all over the world. The bottom part of the diagram of the organisation describes the chief labels within the Rabobank Group operating in the various markets under their own brands. 17 About the Rabobank Group

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2008 | | pagina 18