CQuntry risk Interest rate risk - With respect tQ CQuntry risk, a distinctiQn is made between transfer risk and cQllective debtQr risk. Transfer risk relates tQ the pQssibility Qf fQreign gQvernments placing restrictiQns Qn funds transfers from debtürs in that cüuntry tü creditürs abrüad. Cüllective debtür risk relates tü the situatiQn in which a large number Qf debtors in a cQuntry cannQt meet their cQmmitments fQr the same reasQn (e.g. war, pQlitical and sQcial unrest, natural disasters, but alsQ gQvernment pQlicy that dQes nQt succeed in creating macrQ-ecQnQmic and financial stability). RabQbank GrQup uses a cQuntry limit system tQ manage transfer risk and cQllective debtQr risk fQr all cQuntries. After careful review, relevant cQuntries get an internal cQuntry risk rating, after which transfer limits and a general indicator are established. Transfer limits are determined accQrding tQ the net transfer risk, which is defined as total lQans granted less lQans granted in lQcal currency less guarantees and Qther cQllateral Qbtained tQ cQver transfer risk and less a reduced weighting Qf specific products. The limits are allQcated tQ the Qffices, which are themselves respQnsible fQr day-to-day monitoring Qf the lQans granted by them and fQr repQrting Qn this tQ GrQup Risk Management. At RabQbank GrQup level, the cQuntry risk Qutstanding, including additiQnal capital requirement and prQvisiQn fQr cQuntry risks, is repQrted every quarter tQ the Balance sheet and Risk Management CQmmittee RabQbank GrQup (BRMC-RG) and the CQuntry Limit CQmmittee. The calculatiQn Qf the additiQnal capital requirement and the prQvisiQn fQr cQuntry risk is made in accQrdance with Dutch Central Bank guidelines and cQncerns cQuntries with a high transfer risk. At 31 December 2007, the net transfer risk before prQvisiQns fQr nQn-OECD cQuntries was 1.2% (1.0%) Qf tQtal assets. Risk in nQn-OECD cQuntries (in millions Qf euros) In Europe In Africa In Latin America In Asia Pacific TQtal In Qf balance sheet tQtal EcQnQmic rountrv risk (excluding derivatives)6 924 242 7,105 9,704 17,974 3.2% Risk mitigating cQmpQnents: -JQcaLcurIency.expQsure 7 3,088 3,171 6,266 -..thiId,par.ty.£QVêIagfi..Qf,cauntry.Iisk 373 44 1,179 1,534 3,130 -..d£d.uctiQn„fQr,.transactians..with,.lQweiiisk 294 16 773 713 1,796 Net cQuntry risk before provisfons 250 182 2,064 4,286 6,783 1.2% In Qf tQtal provisions TQtal provisfons fQr economic cQuntry risk 117 179 46 342 14.5% Interest rate risk means that the bank's financial result and/Qr ecQnQmic value - given its balance sheet structure - may decline as a result Qf unfavQurable develQpments in the money and capital markets. RabQbank Group's activities create an interest rate expQsure. This interest rate risk results mainly from mismatches between maturities Qf lQans and funds attracted. If interest rates increase, the rate fQr the liabilities, such as depQsits, will be adjusted immediately, whereas the interest rate fQr the greater part Qf the assets cannQt be adjusted until later. Many assets, such as mortgages, have lQnger fixed-interest periQds and the interest rates fQr these lQans cannQt be adjusted until the next interest rate reset date. In additiQn, client behaviQur affects the interest rate expQsure. FQr example, clients may repay their lQans before legal maturity Qr withdraw their savings earlier than expected. Any resulting interest rate expQsure can be addressed by means Qf hedge transactiQns, thus mitigating the tQtal interest rate expQsure by taking QppQsite pQsitiQns. The extent and 6 TQtal assets, plus guarantees issued and unused timing Qf hedging depend Qn, inter alia, the bank's interest rate visiQn and the expected cQmmitted credit facilities. balance sheet develQpment. 78 RabQbank GrQup Annual RepQrt 2007

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2007 | | pagina 81