AmbitiQns and QutlQQk Results (in millions of euros) Ris.k-welab.tedLa.s.s.e.t.s. Net profit up 24%, RAROC 15.1% 2007 2006 Change Interest 4,391 4,226 4% Fees and commission 1,379 1,259 10% Other income 25 66 -62% Total income 5,795 5,551 4% Staff costs 2,072 2,118 -2% Other administrative expenses 1,618 1,607 1% Depreciation and amortisation 145 152 -5% Operating expenses 3,877 -1% Gross result 1,960 1,674 17% Value adjustments 145 139 4% Operating profit before taxation 1,815 1,535 18% Taxation 466 444 5% Net profit 1,349 1,091 24% Value adjustments (in basis points) 6 7 Ratios Efficiency ratio 66.2% 69.8% RAROC 15.1% Balance sheet (in billions of euros) 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-06 Total assets 277.7 242.4 15% Private sector lending 244.1 220.9 11% Savings 89.6 80.5 11% 152.4 143.2 6% Economic capital 8.9 Number of employees (in fte) 29,304 29,375 0% tQ 6 (7) basis pQints Qf average lending and is far iQwei than the five-year average Qf 12 basis pQints. DepieciatiQn charges were 5% iQwei, at EUR 145 (152) milliQn, mainly due tQ iQwer real estate and equipment depreciation. Grass profit increased by 17% in 2007, as a result Qf higher incQme in cQmbinatiQn with tower operating expenses. The increase in grass profit especially caused net profit tQ grow by 24% tQ EUR 1,349 (1,091) milliQn. In 2007, dQmestic retail banking achieved a Risk Adjusted Return On Capital (RAROC) Qf 15.1%. At year-end, ecQnQmic capital required amounted tQ EUR 8.9 billton. Maintaining high customer satisfactton and customer lQyalty is pre-eminent tQ RabQbank and the RabQbank shall cQntinue tQ invest in new forms Qf distribution in QLdeL tQ maintain qui high level Qf client service. Besides new distribution channels, improvement measures will be taken under the Rabobank 2010 project, ensuring ongoing optimum service to Rabobank clients in the future. In addition, Rabobank will make extra investments in urban areas in order to raise its market share there. The local Rabobanks intend to maintain their position in the mortgages market and Obvion intends to strengthen its position in the broker market further. The local Rabobanks, together with De Lage Landen, expect to be able to strengthen their position in the

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2007 | | pagina 50