Employee influence Corporate governance at the local Rabobanks Management and supervision of the local Rabobanks A few years ago, the Group Works Council of Member Banks (GOR AB) was created as an employee representative body. It acts as a discussion partner to the manager on issues that concern the social policy of all local Rabobanks. The creation of the GOR AB does not affect the position of Rabobank Nederland's Works Council or the existing Works Councils of the local Rabobanks. As a result, they continue to act in full as employee representative bodies within the meaning of the Works Councils Act. Only banks that have a cooperative structure and whose Articles of Association have been approved by Rabobank Nederland can be members of Rabobank Nederland. In turn, the local Rabobanks have members as well, who are local clients. The local Rabobanks have strictly defined rights and obligations towards Rabobank Nederland and each other. Pursuant to the prudential supervision part of the Financial Supervision Act and under Rabobank Nederland's Articles of Association and the Articles of Association of the local Rabobanks, Rabobank Nederland supervises the local Rabobanks on (the integrity of their operations, solvency and liquidity. In addition, under the conduct supervision part of the Financial Supervision Act, Rabobank Nederland has been appointed by the Dutch Finance Ministry as the holder of a collective license that also includes the local Rabobanks. Thus, the supervision of conduct by the AFM is exercised through Rabobank Nederland. Two governance models are possible for the local Rabobanks. The introduction of a second governance model - the executive model - besides the existing partnership model was prompted at the time by the wish to respond to internal and external changes, for example, the ongoing scaling up process, a changing market, and increasing legislation and regulations. Both governance models focus on ensuring effective management as well as professional and independent supervision. The effectiveness of both models will be reviewed in 2008. Since both governance models provide assurance of effective member influence and control, the governance of the local Rabobanks will continue to be carried out both adequately and professionally in the future, but also in a way that befits their cooperative character. The members of all the local Rabobanks have important powers, for instance to adopt the financial statements, to amend the Articles of Association, to appoint members of the Supervisory Board and to approve and endorse management and supervision. In addition, account is rendered to the members in respect of the bank's management and supervision. Partnershipmodel In the Partnership model, the Board of each local Rabobank consists of persons elected by the members from their ranks, plus a managing director who is appointed by the Supervisory Board. The managing director is primarily concerned with the day-to-day management of the bank's operations. The Supervisory Board supervises the Board. Executive model In the Executive model, each local Rabobank has a Board of Directors comprising several persons appointed by the Supervisory Board, which operates under the supervision of the Supervisory Board. In this model, no Board members are elected by the members from their ranks, as is the case in the Partnership model. Member council Local Rabobanks using the executive model must institute a member council in order to firmly and permanently embed member influence and control in the structure. An increasing number of banks using the partnership model have established a member council as well. The member council is a delegation of all members elected by the members from their

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2007 | | pagina 104