Investor relations Communication with the local Rabobanks Corporate governance information on the Internet Risk management 53 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2005 Organisation and risk management: Rabobank Group Corporate Governance Besides good communication with its members, Rabobank Nederland also attaches great importance to good communication with its other stakeholders. The investor relations unit informs investors on develop ments at Rabobank Group via a dedicated website and an electronic newsletter. This unit is also responsible for supplying and explaining all relevant information requested by investors. In addition, institutional investors and other providers of professional funds are informed, through presentations or face-to-face, about the financial developments at Rabobank Group. A closed Internet connection created specifically for the local Rabobanks gives them swift access to useful information and fosters a high level of commitment to Rabobank Nederland. Rabobank Group has placed information on its corporate governance and activities on its public Internet site, including a full explanation of deviations from the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. While Rabobank Group endorses the Code's principles and implements the majority of its elements, it does not implement a number of principles and best practice provisions on account of its cooperative structure. The management of Rabobank Group is based on its strategic principles and, by extension, on the interrelationship between risk, return and reserves. Both the Dutch Central Bank and the bank itself have formulated standards concerning Rabobank's organisation and control. The standards of the Dutch Central Bank are laid down for example in the Regulation on Organisation and Control, which forms the framework for the organisation and control of Rabobank Group's activities. For further information, please refer to the relevant sections in this Annual Report and the chapter on Risk management in particular. In view of the above, the Executive Board believes that Rabobank Group's internal risk management and control systems meet the relevant requirements and are adequate and effective. A project was started in 2005 in order to comply with the international standard for in-control statements on financial reporting, Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), as well. The aim is to be 'SOX compliant' at the end of 2006. For more information

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2005 | | pagina 53