Robeco Group 38 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2005 Core activities: asset management and investment that need specialist service can turn to Schretlen Co's institutions desk. Rabobank Group is active abroad as well. Besides offering Robeco pro ducts through third parties, Robeco also has a number of subsidiaries in the United States. The Swiss Bank Sarasin Cie, in which Rabobank holds a 28% interest, serves international private banking clients. Assets managed and held in custody The assets managed and held in custody by Rabobank Group were EUR 224 (223) billion at 31 December 2005, EUR 68 (83) billion of which comes from the bank's own investment portfolio and EUR 156 (140) billion is managed on behalf of clients. The decline in the Group's own investment portfolio is largely due to the deconsolidation of Interpolis. Assets managed by Effectenbank Stroeve and Interpolis, and not placed with Robeco, are no longer included in client assets. The increase in assets managed was the result of EUR 18 billion in investment returns, more than EUR 3 billion due to the stronger US dollar, nearly EUR 5 billion from the inflow of new assets and an outflow of around EUR 8 billion from the sale of Effectenbank Stroeve and the merger of Interpolis with Achmea. The remainder relates to other movements, including payments of dividends and interest. The inflow of new assets in the United States was relatively limited and was due in particular to the departure of an investment team. Performance in Europe was much better. In the fourth quarter, Robeco was awarded a new EUR 1 billion mandate by the French civil-service pension fund. The greater part, 46%, of assets managed for clients has been invested in shares, 35% in fixed-interest funds, 11% in alternative products such as private equity, hedge funds and structured products and 8% in other funds. Significant increase in the number of orders in second half of 2005 In the Netherlands, the number of orders handled by Rabobank Group for securities and in-house funds rose by 9% in 2005 to 6.1 (5.6) million. The increase is partly due to the significant stock exchange recovery in the second half of the year. In the first half of 2005, there was a 10% decline, whereas the number of orders handled rose by 32% in the second half of the year. The biggest increase was in orders for securities, which grew 15%. The number of orders handled for in-house funds remained stable. Although there are signs that investor confidence is returning, it is as yet too early to speak of a lasting recovery. In 2005, assets managed and held in custody by Robeco Group grew by almost 18% to EUR 131.6 (111.8) billion. Institutional clients account for around half of these assets. Harbor Capital Advisors (United States) achieved remarkably good results in 2005, with both an excellent performance and a large inflow of new assets. Robeco Investment Management in New York was unable to follow suit and consequently, Robeco Group's total inflow of new assets was slightly disappointing. The net inflow of new assets in 2005 was EUR 1.7 billion. Over the past years, Robeco Group has built an excellent reputation for offering structured products, hedge funds and private equity funds to private individuals. There is great interest in this type of product, with strong competition as a result. Nevertheless, Robeco Group successfully placed a few new products, with assets invested growing by 21% to EUR 17 billion. Changes in assets managed and held in custody for clients in EUR billion 166 160 154 148 142 136 130 31 December 2004 Investment returns Gross Exchange Sale of Interest, 31 i cash flow gains and Stroeve and dividends December losses Interpolis and other 2005

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Annual Reports Rabobank | 2005 | | pagina 38