Proposal to the General Meeting 12 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2004 Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland Special attention was paid to the following subjects. 1) Financial statements 2003 The Audit Committee did intensive preparatory work to facilitate the review of the 2003 financial statements. This included a detailed discussion with the Executive Board of the management letter and the report of the auditors, in the presence of both the internal auditor and the external auditors. 2) Budget 2005 In accordance with the Articles of Association, the budget for 2005 was discussed and approved by the Supervisory Board. Again, the Audit Committee provided important input for this purpose. 3) Member benefit system Within Rabobank, intensive discussions have been going on for some time as to both the desirability and feasibility of a member benefit system. The impact of a possible introduction of such a system would be major, in both organisational and financial terms. In 2004, the Cooperative Issues Committee closely followed developments in this area. The Supervisory Board supports the Executive Board's desire to hold extensive discussions with the local banks on this subject. It is expected that final conclusions will be drawn in the course of 2005. 4) Operation Service The members of the Supervisory Board critically monitored the review of Rabobank Nederland regarding the desired and necessary support activities for the local Rabobanks. The Supervisory Board approved the reorganisation now initiated, involving a redistribution of activities and staff reduction of 1,200 FTEs. The Board is convinced that this will enable Rabobank Nederland to operate in a more customer-oriented way in support of the local banks as well as to reduce the costs charged on to the local banks. The members of the Supervisory Board emphasised the vital importance of the related culture change at Rabobank Nederland. 5) Strategic developments The Supervisory Board regularly considered proposed participating interests and acquisitions. In the international environment, such deve lopments often take place in the context of the foreign retail banking strategy. Proper attention was paid to monitoring both the alignment and the management of proposed participating interests or acquisitions as well as the solvency requirement. A recurring topic was the envisaged strengthening of the collaboration with Eureko/Achmea, which is being carefully pursued by the Executive Board and is the subject of intensive consultation with the Supervisory Board. 6) Change to local management model The change to the management model of local banks was finalised in 2004. Local banks could opt for the partnership model, which has existed since 1998, or the management model, with appointed professional managers combined with elected supervisors and a member council. The Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland closely monitored how the new model was formed, parallel to the existing one, in terms of changes to the Articles of Association, regulations and profiles and how it was introduced in the organisation. In compliance with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of Rabobank Nederland, the Supervisory Board has reviewed the annual report and the financial statements for 2004. This review included a dis cussion with the external auditors. Partly on the basis of the unqualified auditors' report issued by Ernst Young Accountants and having regard to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph i, of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board proposes that the General Meeting of Rabobank Nederland adopt the financial statements for 2004 and appropriate the profit for the year as proposed.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2004 | | pagina 12