Tabaksblat Code With great appreciation, the Executive Board read the Dutch Corporate Governance Code as presented by the Committee Tabaksblat on 9 December 2003.The definitive Code meets a number of important concerns voiced earlier by various stakeholders. Tabaksblat Code 67 The Executive Board endorses the Committee Tabaksblat's objectives and considers the Code as a positive step in the process of restoring confidence in the Dutch business sector. The Code contains many provisions that may be regarded as widely accepted views on good corporate governance.The Code does not formally apply to a co-operative such as Rabobank. But being firmly rooted in society, Rabobank intends to take the Code into proper consideration despite its different legal form and corporate governance structure. Our special structure however, could lead to a number of deviations from the Code's provisions, particularly in the case of the local Rabobanks.The Executive Board is confident that a satisfactory explanation can be supplied should this occur. The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board together are studying the interpretation of the various provisions and the way in which they can be implemented within Rabobank's structure.The Rabobank meets the Code's provisions in many respects, either by its legal form, with its members' interests as a central element, or by its historical focus on members' authorities, as well as its transparent role division between management and supervision. For Rabobank Nederland, the change in the management model carried out in 2002 is a case in point.The management model is currently being discussed by the local banks. In its Annual Report 2004 and at the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2005, Rabobank will discuss in greater detail the way in which the Rabobank is to apply the Code. core duties are and what added value you provide as a supervisor. The division of duties between directors, managers and the supervisory board was clearly explained. I, too, sometimes have the urge to take a front seat, whereas as a supervisor it is in fact crucial that you are not the one driving the car. Within the supervisory board, we regularly perform a critical review of our own duties and responsibilities in the various areas that concern us. This helps us to continually improve our under standing and performance. After all, the quality of a management model is heavily dependent on the proper definition of the various roles.'

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2003 | | pagina 71