With its active corporate social responsibility policy, Rabobank Group contributes in a broad sense to the sustainable development of society. Rabobank Group is proud to have been ranked as Europe's best sustainable bank and the world's second best in 2003:Triple P (People, Planet, Profit) in addition to Triple A. Transparency through dialogue Equator Principles Sustainable operations Stronger Rabobank leadership in green market 62 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2003 Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR) perfectly complements Rabobank Group's co-operative identity. Via their local management, members of local Rabobanks have a say in the decision-making of the national organisation. As a result, Rabobank Group has an extensive network in society. In 2003, Rabobank Group carried out an extensive stakeholder consulta tion among fifteen social organisations, including trade unions and environmental, development aid and human rights lobby groups.They gave their opinions on the Annual Responsibility and Sustainability Report and the Group's CSR policy stated therein.This feedback has partly determined the CSR priorities for 2004: innovation and volume growth of sustainable products and services and CSR as a testing criterion for lending.The stakeholder dialogue will be continued in 2004. Together with fifteen other banks, Rabobank Nederland endorsed the Equator Principles in 2003.These are social and environmental guidelines for projects whose financing exceeds USD 50 million, based on the guidelines provided by the World Bank and its subsidiary International Finance Corporation. In the year under review, the proportion of 'green' electricity in total power consumption increased from 17% to 31%. Rabobank can monitor its energy consumption online in 300 locations. In this way, variances in energy usage can be detected, allowing a rapid response to reduce consumption. In 2003, Rabo Green Bank reinforced its position as market leader in green loans, partly because changes in the tax regulations forced Rabobank to redeem the tax-friendly 'Agaath' bonds prematurely. Agaath investors were given the opportunity to switch to green bonds, which they did for an amount of more than EUR 170 million. In the second half of 2003, another EUR 540 million in funds was raised, partly for the purpose of refinancing green bonds that were maturing. In the year under 'We were thrilled when the Swiss SAM rated us as the most sustainable bank in Europe:Triple P - people, planet, profit - in addition to our Triple A ratings. But there are still plenty of areas that can be improved. For example, we are currently looking closely at the provision of products and services that meet both financial and sustainable standards, such as the green bonds and sustainable asset management. We are also planning to introduce social and environmental criteria as part of the lending process in order to be able to better manage the risks arising from those areas. Furthermore, we are buying more green energy this year and will be intro-

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2003 | | pagina 66